The belong will open its call on April 1 with up to 2,975 million

by time news

Juan Roig Value




Companies that want to opt for the almost 3,000 million euros provided in aid from the Strategic Project for the Recovery and Economic Transformation of Electric and Connected Vehicles (Perte VEC) will have, at the very least, two weeks to study the bases before presenting their tractor projects.

A) Yes, The deadline for submitting applications will be from April 1 to May 3.. The amount will be distributed between 2022 and 2023, with a maximum of 1,550 million for grants and 1,425 million in the form of loans, with repayment terms of 10 years, three years of grace period and 0% interest.

After more than three months of delay, the Ministry of Industry has published today in the BOE

the call for this initiative, on which important projects depended, such as the construction of a battery factory in Spain or the award of zero-emission models to plants such as VW Landaben or Seat Martorell.

The main reason for the delay was the modification of one of the articles of the previous bases, presented on December 23, 2021, which required that 30% of each tractor project be made up of SMEsto avoid exclusively benefiting large corporations and to modernize the industrial fabric more homogeneously.

Now, it has been drafted with that «a minimum of 30% of the aid must benefit SMEs»taking into account that they no longer need to be within the initiative per sebut they can be contracted directly by the companies of the group, multiplying the amount by the intensity of their participation.

Perte aid is divided into three large blocks: industrial operations, with a minimum of 500,000 euros bankable for original equipment, batteries and “other essential components”; systems for connected and recharging vehicles, with a minimum of 100,000 euros and, finally, circular economy, digitization and training, with no minimum threshold.

The reactions to the call have not been long in coming from the sectoral associations. The one that defends the interests of vendors and workshops, Ganvamurged in a statement that the Minister of Industry explain “how Perte will benefit the value chain if it excludes intermediation activities” in its bases.

For the president of the group, Raul Palaciosusing subcontracting to be able to reach a 30% share of SMEs is a grievance for those that do not have dealings with large corporations, and “puts 40% of the 57,000 SMEs in the sector at risk”.

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