Omicron, the sub-variant of Covid BA.2 rises to 44% in Italy. All the strain at 99.9% –

by time news
Of Cristina Marrone

On January 31 Omicron 2 was at 3%. Liguria, Bolzano, Umbria and Lombardy are the regions where the Delta variant has practically disappeared

The BA.2 sub-variant of Omicron increasingly present also in Italy and its diffusion reaches 44% (927 sequences) while the BA.1 strain at 55.5% (1,052 sequences) the result ofinvestigation rapid conducted by the ISS and the Ministry of Health together with the regional laboratories and the Bruno Kessler Foundation, with the data collected on 7 March. On January 31, Omicron 2 accounted for just 3%. Omicron, with all its sub-variants therefore now dominant with 99.9% of cases. Delta practically disappeared. Throughout the national territory it is present only in Lombardy with a very limited percentage: 0.3%.

The sub-variant BA.2 is very contagious: it is estimated that it can be 30% more contagious than its bigger “sister” Omicron and for this reason it is spreading so fast. The most widespread region is Liguria (79.7%), followed by the Province of Bolzano (75%), Umbria (65%) and Lombardy (62.5%)

For the investigation, the laboratories of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces were asked to select subsamples of positive cases and to sequence the genome of the virus. The sample requested was chosen by the Regions and Autonomous Provinces at random from among the positive samples, guaranteeing a certain geographical representation and, if possible, for different age groups. In total, all Regions and pro / PPAAs and a total of 117 regional laboratories and the Military Health Laboratory participated in the survey, and 1984 samples were sequenced.

March 18, 2022 (change March 18, 2022 | 18:02)

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