News 24 | Corona developments.. a slight increase in new cases.. a decline in critical cases, recovery and stabilization of deaths

by time news

Statistics related to the “Corona” virus in the Kingdom showed a slight increase in the number of new infections, as 105 new cases were recorded during the past 24 hours, an increase of 8 cases from yesterday.

Today (Friday), the Ministry of Health indicated that the curve of critical cases continued to descend, as 3 new cases left intensive care, bringing the total number of critical cases now to 220.

The number of new recoveries from the virus decreased, as 193 cases were recorded, bringing the total number of recovery cases to 731,831 out of 749,373 cases of the virus.

The report indicated that the deaths are at stable levels, as one new death was recorded, bringing the total deaths as a result of the virus in the Kingdom to 9,025 deaths.


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