a symposium inaugurated by Didier Raoult with antivax figures

by time news

Entitled “Covid-19, first assessment of scientific knowledge and controversies”, the event scheduled for the end of March at the IHU in Marseille is to host several notorious anti-vaccines.

Who is invited to the congress hosted by the institute of microbiologist Didier Raoult, and organized “for the sake of freedom of expression, without censoring or condoning it“, as indicated by the latter on Twitter?

The symposium, which is to be held on March 30 and 31 in Marseille, will receive several well-known figures from the anti-sanitary and anti-vaccine movement, some of whom are controversial for their comments on vaccines.

At the initiative of the event, the sociologist Laurent Mucchielli. Initially a CNRS researcher in the fields of security and delinquency, Laurent Mucchielli has been speaking out since the start of the pandemic on health and medical issues on which he has no particular skills. In particular, he has positioned himself several times against the anti-Covid vaccination, pointing the finger at the “dissimulation“adverse effects,”criminal towards the population“. In a post published on the Médiapart blog last summer, the researcher denounced an alleged “vaccine mortality” who “should lead to the urgent suspension of the vaccination campaign“. The CNRS had distanced itself from these false assertions.

“Contradictory debate”

The sociologist defends himself by asserting that he wants to nurture a “adversarial debate». «The essence of scientific activity is to be able to discuss everything, it is not to repeat the press releases of the government (…) We do not have the right to question the communication of politicians ? It’s a joke“, he said this Friday to BFM TV.

Also present at the congress, Louis Fouché, another figure of the anti-vaccines. Resuscitator anesthesiologist at the Conception Hospital in Marseille, Louis Fouché is known for his critical positions on the government’s health policy since the start of the pandemic, and as a member of the “Réinfo Covid” site.

Must also come Jean-Michel Claverie or Laurent Toubiana, figures of the protest movement against the government’s health policy and in particular against the establishment of the health pass in the summer of 2021. “The politicians no longer understand anything and strike us with freedom-killing measures that have no health justification at the present time.“, affirmed the first on South Radio in January. The second had declared in a controversial intervention just before the second wave: “It’s eye-popping, the virus does not circulate”, positioning itself among the “reassuring”.

Finally, we find Robert Malone, an American molecular biologist who distinguished himself by making many controversial remarks. In particular, he said in December that messenger RNA vaccines could “damage the reproductive system of children” and “fundamentally change [leur] immune system“, which is wrong.

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