Emmanuel Macron said no to BFMTV, but yes to M6

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A great presidential evening. This is what BFMTV had planned on Wednesday March 23. That is nine days after that of TF 1, which received the eight main candidates, including Emmanuel Macron. The news channel had issued an invitation to all twelve candidates for the Élysée, including Jean Lassalle, Philippe Poutou and Nathalie Arthaud. Finally, the Head of State let it be known that it will not be, leading to the refusal of Marine Le Pen and the cancellation of this great meeting before the first round. To justify this decision, Emmanuel Macron’s entourage assured that he had “commitments elsewhere” on March 23, without further details.

The latter, who has just unveiled his program, will be on television that evening. According to our information, he said yes to M 6. Unless there is a last-minute unforeseen event on the international scene, the presidential candidate will be interviewed by Xavier de Moulins in the “19.45” edition. “Contacts have been made but no date has been set,” the channel simply replies. Pending formalization, everything has been set for his arrival.

La Six intends to influence the rest of the election

Emmanuel Macron will not be the only one to go to the “19.45” set. Yannick Jadot will open the ball against Nathalie Renoux this Friday. Then, the following week, Xavier de Moulins will welcome Éric Zemmour (March 21), Valérie Pécresse (March 22) and Marine Le Pen (March 24), before an appearance by Jean-Luc Mélenchon on March 25. And just like BFMTV, the Six intends to influence the rest of the ballot.

“We want to participate in the organization of the debate between the two rounds, confides Stéphane Gendarme, director of information for the channel. We have shared this with several candidates. We could associate RTL with it (which is part of group M 6). »

The cancellation of the BFMTV presidential evening should also make C8 happy. According to our information, the teams of Valérie Pécresse, who had reserved her March 23, contacted that of Cyril Hanouna this morning to set up a “Face à Baba”, next Wednesday in the first part of the evening.

In the aftermath of the war in Ukraine, the representative of the Les Républicains camp announced that she was postponing her participation in this program, initially scheduled for March 3. Without giving a date, suggesting that this evening would never see the light of day. Éric Zemmour was the first to stick to it, then Jean-Luc Mélenchon and finally Marine Le Pen, which brought together 1.4 million viewers on Wednesday evening.

For its part, France 2 is still working on two special evenings of “Élysée 2022”. Objective: to receive the twelve candidates twice, on Thursday March 31 and Tuesday April 5 to give them thirty minutes each, as required by Arcom (the former CSA) in a period of equal speaking time, March 28 to April 8. It remains to be seen whether Emmanuel Macron will be there. The France Télévisions teams have not yet confirmed this.

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