Does drinking coffee help prevent the development of diabetes? –

by time news
Of Marco Comoglio

The mechanism would be linked to the presence in the drink of antioxidant substances, which would have the effect of reducing the state of chronic inflammation that may be at the basis of the onset of diabetes. But there are conflicting opinions

Some studies claim that there is a correlation between coffee intake and the reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Right?

He answers Marco ComoglioAmd – Association of Diabetic Doctors (GO TO THE FORUM)

Opinions on the relationship between diabetes and coffee are mixed. An 18-year study found that coffee intake does not increase the risk of chronic diseases, especially of the heart and circulation. Recent observations, the result of an analysis of numerous clinical studies involving more than a million people, have shown that the use of coffee could prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes. Compared to those who did not drink it, coffee consumers were 33% less likely to get diabetes 2. The mechanism would be linked to the presence in the drink of antioxidant substances, which would have the effect of reducing the state of chronic inflammation that may be at the basis of the onset of diabetes. Other studies however have shown that caffeine alone could reduce peripheral use of glucose in muscles and in adipose tissue, with a consequent increase in blood sugar. The effect could be a consequence of the stimulus to the production of adrenaline induced by coffee, therefore they advise not to exceed in the intake of the drink. Finally it is necessary to remember that a negative effect of coffee could be linked to the sugar used to sweeten itwhich can raise blood sugar and lead to an incongruous intake of calories (three teaspoons of sugar is about 40-45 calories).

March 19, 2022 (change March 19, 2022 | 10:51)

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