world news: Psycho student who stabbed teacher to death 101 times! – old student killed his school teacher brutally shocking incident in belgium

by time news
Maria Verlindon, 57, a teacher living in the Herandels area of ​​Belgium, was mysteriously murdered in her home in November 2020. Police, who seized his body and sent it for autopsy, were shocked to learn that the teacher had 101 stab wounds on her body.

Police are conducting an intensive investigation by collecting DNA samples from more than 100 suspects as to who was the psycho who committed such a brutal murder. But they could not find the killer so easily.

In this case, the case has been dropped recently, almost a year and a half after the murder. The investigation revealed that the teacher who killed Maria was a 37-year-old man and that he was an alumnus of that teacher.

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Gunder Events, a young man, was Maria Verlindon’s teacher when he was in school at the age of seven. Maria scolds the teacher a little harshly in class for the mistake Gunder Event made then.

Considering the teacher’s insult to him in front of other students, Ulend brutally stabbed the teacher Maria to death almost 30 years later with that incident in mind.

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