Covid Italy: Bassetti, Galli, Gismondo give votes to the government

by time news

How was the management of the coronavirus pandemic in Italy, between infections, restrictive rules and measures and the anti Covid vaccine? The experts, consulted by Salute, give the report cards to the Conte and Draghi governments.

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“I believe that the” Covid “pandemic in Italy has been managed well overall” and if I want to draw up a report card “I would certainly give the Draghi government a good 9 because, in my opinion, things have been done very well. To the Conte government, instead , with all the extenuating circumstances given by the fact that very little was known about the pandemic, I would give a pass, because overall things were not done badly, while on the school I would feel not to go beyond 5 because it was a bit too much closurists, and our boys still pay the consequences “. So at Salute Matteo Bassetti, director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic of the San Martino Polyclinic in Genoa, who “adding the votes of the first quarter (Conte government) and the second (Draghi government), sees a good final 7 in the report card”.

“The Conte government – said the Genoese infectious disease specialist – had the misfortune to be the first to arrive on an epidemic of which little was known and therefore we sailed a lot on sight. In the first phase, correct decisions were made, perhaps less acceptable and The closure of schools for so long, on the other hand, is less correct than in other countries, which has greatly damaged our children, who still bear the consequences today. This vision by the Conte government therefore – he continues – was too much caution at least as regards schools, closures and reopening “.

Instead, the management of the Draghi government was promoted “with flying colors”, especially with the change at the helm of the commissioner structure and the arrival of General Figliuolo, which made it possible to carry out perhaps one of the best vaccination campaigns in the world, to achieve extraordinary results, and thus giving everyone the opportunity to do almost anything. The ability to react when the virus has weakened is also good – underlines Bassetti – and this opening certainly rewards the Draghi government, which certainly, it must be said, was even more fortunate because he found himself managing a phase with more evidence and awareness “. The good management of the pandemic, however, concludes the infectious disease specialist, “was the result of continuous and coordinated work by everyone, especially the consultants, starting with the CTS, which I have sometimes criticized, but which I believe has made a good job”.


Italy promoted or rejected in the management of Covid? “We must always remember that we were the first to be hit, and we were caught ‘behind’. It would not have been easy for anyone to do better. There are extenuating circumstances. Having said that, it should be emphasized that the health organization, already worn out for years of cuts, of inattention to prevention, of superficial choices has dramatically shown the chord “. Massimo Galli, former director of Infectious Diseases at the Sacco hospital in Milan, explains this to Health, reflecting on the choices of the Conte and Draghi governments in dealing with the pandemic emergency.

“The successive governments in Italy have had to face the emergency starting from a series of unfavorable events – he reiterates – that would have embarrassed any government. I do not think that any other European country could have avoided what happened to us at the ‘beginning. In other countries the pandemic came when the alarm was very evident. For the rest, as they say at school, they could have done better, but this is all too easy to say in retrospect “.

The pandemic, therefore, “has mercilessly highlighted how decades of cuts to health care, abandonment of the territory and prevention, had put us in serious difficulty. The starting organization was absolutely insufficient”, concludes Galli.


“Although giving governments a vote in managing a pandemic is not an easy thing,” the report card for Italy on the Covid front “by both the Conte government and the Draghi executive, sees a” less than enough “. Maria Rita Gismondo, director of the Laboratory of clinical microbiology, virology and diagnostics of bio-emergencies at the Sacco hospital in Milan, highlighting above all “an unforgivable error, attributable to both governments, on the communication that – she says – was a real disaster, created confusion, terror, panic in people, with a consequent economic disaster. And lately – she adds – she has also created infections because she gave false information “.

Gismondo, however, underlines the fact that “the responsibility is not exclusively attributable to those who managed the pandemic, because we have been caught in an unpreparedness that has roots even earlier than these governments”.

As for the comparison of the Italian management with that of other countries, starting with the European ones, “for a long time they sold us Italy as before in the management of the pandemic while it did not go like this at all”, he says. “If we want to use one parameter we have had more restrictions than the others and more dead than the others. So it is not true that we were the first, we were average and we managed with what we had”.


“Full promotion for Italy in the management of the pandemic”. The epidemiologist Pier Luigi Lopalco, professor of hygiene at the University of Salento, gives ‘good marks’ to the Conte and Draghi governments for the policies to combat Covid. “We must never forget – he tells Salute – that Italy was the first Western nation to face the pandemic. Already for this initial handicap, our government deserves at least one more vote in the report card. The great effort of not to give too much to the sirens of the economy. This merit must also be attributed, in large part, to the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza. Europe. So full promotion “.


“Italy has overall approached the pandemic in the most just, reasonable and prudent way, through the method of mitigating the spread of the virus, trying to balance, even in the absence of a management manual, the needs for freedom, psychological, economic and health “is the balance drawn up by virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco of the University of Milan, in view of the end of the state of emergency on March 31, and promotes the work of both the Conte and Draghi governments, called to manage different phases of the pandemic between They.

“The two governments – comments the virologist – handled different aspects of the pandemic: the first dealt with the sudden tsunami, the one that mainly hit Lombardy and where we were the second country in the world, looking for solutions. And it’s easy, as always. , in retrospect to say that there were errors – he observes – but choices were made that could be made at that moment and it was considered useful to make. The Draghi government found itself faced with a situation channeled, despite the new pandemic emergencies, which he was able to face with greater awareness “. Therefore, Italy “I believe has overall managed the pandemic in the right, reasonable and prudent way”, he concludes.

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