For “the axis of resistance”, the United States has the monopoly of evil

by time news

In a column published in the pan-Arab media Al-Araby Al-Jadeed, a journalist fires red bullets at the self-proclaimed “axis of resistance” in the Middle East. At the head, the pro-Iranian Hezbollah, which supports Russia in the name of the fight against American supremacy, without any regard for the dead and the “resisters” in Ukraine.

While Putin’s army invades Ukraine, sows death and destruction, what are the thurifers of “axis of resistance” ? What are the Hezbollah followers and the like who are holding the peoples of the Middle East hostage? What makes them go off the rails? It’s America. The America they’ve hated since the cradle.

It’s a reflex so ingrained in them that they didn’t even have to wait for Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary general of Lebanese Hezbollah, to open the ball by declaring: “It’s a lesson to ponder for anyone who trusts Americans. The drama unfolding now is the responsibility of the US administration.”

No regard for dying Ukrainians

Responsibility not because the Americans would have given slack to Putin, but because they are the very incarnation of evil, everywhere, in all circumstances. The proof, NATO, one of the armed arms of the American devil, would have “anyway” intended to “start a third world war against Russia”. [Même rhétorique adoptée par le Hezbollah pour justifier son intervention dans le conflit en Syrie au côté de Bachar El-Assad.]

These plumitives of “axis of resistance”adopt Russian language elements and speak in a “special operation” . Without any regard for Ukrainians who are dying […] They have only one concern: to warn us against the American ogre which dominates the world and which is about to extend its influence in the Arab countries. Professionals- “resistance”repeat that Putin had nothing to do with the massacre of the Chechens, since it dates from the time of Yeltsin, “the puppet of the American empire”and that Putin is innocent of it, and that “the most dangerous totalitarianism is American totalitarianism”, etc.

It’s true that America is evil. We can draw a


Dalal Al-Bizri

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Founded in 2014 in London, the “New Arab” site is financed by Qatar and directed by the former Israeli Arab deputy Azmi Bishara, who has become the adviser to the new emir. He will be part of a great media empire under construction.


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