Lawyer proposes to debate the adoption of a gay lesbian couple – El Sol de Acapulco

by time news

Lawyer Victoriano Sánchez Carbajal, member of the Guerrero State Bar Association, considered it interesting to discuss and listen to organized civil society groups your opinion about recognition of a daughter with the surnames of a marriage of two lesbian women before an office of the Civil Registry in Acapulco.

He stressed that even citizens through a plebiscite issue an opinion and vote on this issue, since children at an early age can be influenced about your sexual preference according to the naturalness that they observe in their environment, following the example of those who are in charge of their family.

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Sanchez Carbajal explained “over time it could have consequences on their psycho-emotional development, all aspects that must be understood by the framework of the law, that is, there must also be legal consequences for such actions.”

He said that the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation gave rise to equal marriages, recognizing them within the sphere of Human Rights, “now it does so in the extension of that right to recognize the adoption of minors and consequent registration before the civil registry officer.

However, the jurist stressed that in order for this human right to be recognized by the State, it has to be “through a trial of guarantees because the laws still do not provide it”.

Finally, the defender who corresponds to the State Congress resolve these issues but without forgetting that they represent the whole of society and not just minority groups such as gay lesbians.

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