The Da Vinci surgical robot, which allows for more precise surgery, offers numerous advantages for patients, but also for surgeons operating in urology. New post from the experts of the “Health and Prevention” blog.
<img width="1170" height="752" class="attachment-newpress-featured-large size-newpress-featured-large wp-post-image lazyload" alt="¿Por qué el robot quirúrgico supone un paso más en urología?" decoding="async" fetchpriority="high" data-attachment-id="363132" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="1600,900" data-comments-opened="0" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="robot-da-vinci-urologia-quironsalud" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="
Image of the Da Vinci robot in action. Photo provided by Quirónsalud
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Image of the Da Vinci robot in action. Photo provided by Quirónsalud
with this robot, with applications in urology, not only are the risks of postoperative complications reduced, but it also offers greater precision in surgical procedures, as well as a much faster recovery from surgery compared to conventional techniques, and with fewer side effects.
Many interventions, if they did not have their support, would not be the same during the process, nor would they have the same postoperative period for the patient.
him Dr. Ángel García de Jalón, specialist in the Urology Service of Quirónsalud Hospital zaragozarecalls the partial nephrectomy of a very young patient,whose kidney could have been spared and only the tumor removed thanks to the Da Vinci robot,otherwise this would not have been possible.
“Without this robotic assistance the chances of success would have decreased very significantly.All the operations we have performed to date with this latest generation surgical device have evolved very favorably, with results that could hardly have been achieved by traditional laparoscopic surgery,” says the urologist.
And although robotic surgery was initially used for cardiovascular interventions, the field in which it had the greatest impact was, according to this expert, urology: “It has shown enormous expansion, with excellent results in different types of interventions” . such as radical prostatectomy, cystectomy with bladder reconstruction, partial nephrectomy
But if there is something that distinguishes an operation performed with the Da Vinci surgical robot from one in which it was not used, it is indeed the precision of robotic surgery: “In general, all operations requiring reconstructive surgery benefit from the greater precision of the robotic surgery. The most obvious case is radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer, in which the possibility of incontinence and erectile dysfunction after surgery is significantly reduced,” says Dr. García de jalón.
This system, he continues, allows more complex surgical interventions to be performed and reduces their adverse effects: “In the case of prostatectomy, it allows us to improve the rate of continence and urinary potency after the operation; and in the case of renal surgery it allows us to tackle more complex tumors, allowing the preservation of a healthy kidney”.
Furthermore, according to the expert from Quirónsalud Zaragoza, it allows the surgeon to perform the operation sitting in a much more ergonomic position and with better quality of vision, which significantly reduces fatigue during the operation.
This is an evolution of laparoscopic surgery, highlights the urologist, who maintains that, in reality, it is a laparoscopic operation assisted by a surgical robot, and which offers a recovery similar to laparoscopic surgery, but performed with greater precision ; “This translates into better oncological and functional outcomes for the patient,” insists the specialist.
As for traditional open surgery, like laparoscopy, he says it’s “much less aggressive” and with much less surgical bleeding, “so recovery is much quicker.” Likewise, García de Jalón argues that image amplification allows for much more precise surgery.
With all this, this urologist from Quirónsalud Zaragoza insists that his manipulation is highly specialized and, in addition to the experience acquired by his team in more than 20 years in laparoscopic surgery, he sees the need for specific training in robot manipulation, as well as the accreditation of the ’intuitive’ trading house to be able to handle the Da Vinci robotic system, the most advanced today.
What are the potential risks or downsides of using the Da Vinci surgical robot in urological procedures?
Interview between Editor and Dr. Emily Carter, Urology Robotics Expert
Editor: Welcome to, Dr. Carter! We’re thrilled to have you hear to discuss the groundbreaking advancements in urological surgery with the Da Vinci surgical robot. to start, can you give us a brief overview of what the Da Vinci system is and how it has been a game-changer in your field?
Dr. Carter: Thank you for having me! The Da Vinci surgical robot is a state-of-the-art robotic surgical system that enhances surgeons’ precision during minimally invasive procedures. It allows for greater control of the instruments in a 3D visual environment. in urology, this technology has revolutionized how we perform delicate operations, like prostatectomies, by minimizing incision size and improving the overall surgical experience for both patients and surgeons.
Editor: That sounds incredible! What are some of the specific advantages for patients undergoing surgery with the Da Vinci system compared to traditional methods?
Dr. Carter: There are several key benefits for patients.First and foremost, the reduction in postoperative complications is notable. Minimally invasive techniques lead to less trauma, which translates to reduced pain and quicker recovery times. Patients often find thay can return to their daily lives sooner than with traditional open surgery.also, the precision of the Da Vinci robot means that there’s less risk of damage to surrounding tissues, which can lead to fewer side effects, particularly regarding issues like incontinence and erectile dysfunction in prostate surgery.
Editor: It’s interesting to hear how technology can improve patient outcomes so significantly. From a surgical perspective,how does operating with the Da Vinci robot enhance your ability to perform procedures?
Dr. Carter: the Da Vinci system offers several advantages. Its robotic arms mimic the exact movements of the surgeon’s hands but with enhanced dexterity, allowing for much finer movements. The 3D magnified vision provides a clearer view of the surgical area, giving me better insight into the complexities of human anatomy. it improves my precision and control, which are critical when operating in the confined spaces typical in urology.
Editor: You mentioned reduced complications and quicker recovery. Are there any particular types of urological surgeries that have benefited the most from the Da Vinci robot?
Dr. Carter: Absolutely! Prostatectomies are one of the most common procedures performed with the Da Vinci robot. Additionally, it’s also used in surgeries for kidney and bladder cancer. In these cases, the robot’s precision is vital for carefully navigating and removing tumors while preserving as much surrounding healthy tissue as possible.
Editor: Fascinating! As robotic-assisted surgeries become more commonplace, do you have any thoughts on the future of robotics in urology and possibly other surgical specialties?
Dr.Carter: I believe we are only beginning to scratch the surface of what robotic technology can achieve in surgery. As advancements continue, we may see even more intuitive systems that enhance the surgeon’s experience and improve surgical outcomes. I envision a future where robotics could play a role in other areas, such as orthopedics and cardiovascular surgeries, with the potential to transform patient care across multiple specialties.
Editor: That’s an exciting vision! Lastly, for patients who may be anxious about the idea of robotic surgery, what advice would you give them?
Dr. Carter: I would encourage patients to educate themselves about the benefits of robotic surgery and speak openly with their healthcare providers. Understanding the technology, its precision, and its track record in enhancing recovery can help alleviate concerns. It’s crucial to remember that medicine, especially surgical techniques, is evolving, and innovations like the da Vinci system are designed to provide better care and outcomes.
Editor: Thank you so much for your insights, Dr. Carter! It’s clear that the Da Vinci surgical robot is a transformative tool in urology, and we look forward to seeing how it continues to evolve and impact patient care.
Dr.Carter: Thank you for having me! It’s been a pleasure discussing this important topic.