Presidential live: for Jean-Luc Mélenchon, “the election is a social referendum”

by time news


The great march of Mélenchon will begin

The procession will leave from the Place de la Bastille to reach the Place de la République, where the candidate will hold a meeting.


Brigitte Bardot defends Nicolas Dupont-Aignan

The former actress took a stand this morning in favor of the presidential candidate, saying on Twitter that “Nicolas Dupont-Aignan deserves more speaking time on television”. According to her, “his political program for France is very good. He is also a great defender of animals”.


Bitter Poutou

The candidate invested by the NPA relays his passage in the program Political Questions for France Inter – France Info and Le Monde this afternoon where he was only entitled to five short minutes under the principle of equity. “Interview on France Inter this afternoon. Be attentive and attentive, it goes quickly. 5 hours by train round trip for barely more than 5 minutes of airtime. It’s called ‘equity’.


The Mayor attacks Larcher


“Madame Pécresse’s concern is that she incarnates nothing”

Olivier Véran enters the arena and intends to get involved in the president’s campaign. Eric Zemmour, Valérie Pécresse… In an interview he gave us, the Minister of Health slips a few tackles on the opponents of Emmanuel Macron and judges that, in this campaign, the values ​​of the right and the left are found in an overrun carried by the Head of State. An interview can be found here.


“Marine Le Pen is the useless vote par excellence”

Support of Eric Zemmour, the former RN Nicolas Bay torpedoes his former chief Marine Le Pen. While the polemicist’s campaign is slipping, there is no longer any question of holding back. “Marine Le Pen is the useless vote par excellence”, he criticizes in the program Questions politiques de France Inter, France Info and Le Monde”, recalling his failure in 2017.

Emmanuel Macron, too, has ringing ears. “He does everything to escape the debate, he denounces, believing that the outgoing president “stages” himself as a warlord.


“The left is totally destroyed”

Philippe Poutou is trying to make a small place for himself in this presidential election. “We represent something,” he explains, readily conceding that he is a minority in the country. “We today lack political credibility because there is a lot of resignation”.


Eric Ciotti optimistic for Valérie Pécresse

Guest of BFMTV, Eric Ciotti wants to believe that the match is not yet folded. “We can note that Emmanuel Macron will be in the second round. Who will face him? “Asks the finalist of the LR primary. Questioning the reliability of the polls, he believes that “the place for the second round remains more open than ever”.

“I have confidence in his ability to qualify for the second round”, he supports about Valérie Pécresse, whose campaign seems to skate. “We still have three weeks, it is then that the French will decide”.


The campaign “has been stunted”

The campaign “was stunted by the fear of the virus then by the fear of the virus”, regrets Jean-Luc Mélenchon on France Info, who however says to credit the presentation by Emmanuel Macron of a “clear” program that he intends now fight head-on.


This five-year term “was governed by lobbies”

Yannick Jadot returns to the controversy over the cost of the use of consulting firms by the Elysée. The environmentalist candidate calls for the implementation of a law to regulate the practice.


“The election is a social referendum”

For several weeks, Jean-Luc Mélenchon has wanted to position himself as the main ideological opponent of Emmanuel Macron, emphasizing the social themes of the campaign. He is trying to polarize the debate on the pension reform carried out by the outgoing president, who intends to postpone the legal retirement age to 65. “The election is a social referendum,” he defends.


Mélenchon calls for dealing with the Corsican file with “respect”

“The Corsican question must be treated seriously, with respect,” continued the tribune of France Insoumise. The candidate also deplores the way in which the question of Corsica’s autonomy has been raised, stating that it will be necessary to ask the French for their opinion, possibly, but “not necessarily” by referendum.


Mélenchon not against the election of the president by direct universal suffrage

Despite his project for the Sixth Republic and Constituent Assembly, Jean-Luc Mélenchon does not necessarily plan to upset everything, he says. “In all nations, there is a symbolic figure who represents the country and it is not at all embarrassing that she is elected by direct universal suffrage. »


Roussel rolls out his program

The communist is currently being questioned on France Inter-France Info-Le Monde’s Political Questions program.


“Emmanuel Macron is trying to take up my proposals”

On the RSA, the candidate accuses the outgoing president of falling back into the same time. “I propose that the hours of activity be compulsory, otherwise the beneficiaries will no longer receive the RSA. Offers him that it be on a voluntary basis, ”she explains.


For Pécresse, Emmanuel Macron “gives way to the streets”

The candidate LR is a guest of Sunday in politics on France 3. She criticizes the way in which the autonomy of Corsica was put on the table in the midst of tensions on the island of Beauty. “We do not negotiate with a gun to our head,” she defends, saying however that she is in favor of the principle of autonomy which would not be at the same level as that of overseas communities.


Marion Maréchal says she fears an “African France” in 2060

The former RN deputy, support of Eric Zemmour, was the guest this Sunday morning of the Grand rendez-vous Les Echos-Europe 1-CNews. “What I believe is that if we continue on this curve, in 2060 the historical people, the natives, will be a minority on French soil, we could have an African France,” she says.


Jean Lassalle favorable to the autonomy of Corsica

On France inter, the presidential candidate spoke out in favor of the autonomy of the island of Beauty. “I know, I believe, the Corsicans well enough now to know that they are also very attached to France”, moderates Jean Lassalle, highlighting the particular needs “of very culturally and historically marked regions”.


Palmost one in three voters ready to shun the ballot box

Three weeks before the first round, our Ipsos – Sopra Steria barometer shows that the proportion of voters who have decided to vote, 68%, remains very low for a presidential election. To reverse the trend, the campaign, with its debates and confrontations, must play its part in the home stretch. More information in our article.


Marine Le Pen, “the other candidate of the rich”

“If you want retirement at 60 for everyone, the only ballot that allows it is that of Jean-Luc Mélenchon,” said Adrien Quatennens in “Le Grand rendez-vous”, on Europe 1 and CNews. The LFI deputy also tackles Marine Le Pen, “who refuses to increase the minimum wage”. And to launch: “This is the other candidate of the rich, Madame Le Pen. If you look at his economic speech, it’s Macron painted in navy blue ”.


The Insoumis play the useful vote card to the hilt

The candidate’s campaign manager was a guest of BFMTV this Sunday. For Manuel Bompard, “Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s candidacy is the best way to oppose Emmanuel Macron’s program of cruelty and social brutality”.


For Poutou, “the election is not played at all”

The far left candidate Philippe Poutou estimated on France 2 on Saturday that “contrary to what Emmanuel Macron wants to believe, the election is not played at all. Mr. Macron refuses a debate, we are rigging the presidential election ”.


Good morning !

And welcome to this live. Here you can follow the events of this new presidential campaign day, three weeks before the first round.

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