The Coordination of the Specialization Course in Linguistic Studies,at the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (PPGLin-Unilab),makes public Notice no of the selection process for the Master in Linguistic Studies,for admission to the 2025.1 semester.Registration must be carried out from 00:00 on 6 January 2025 to 23:59 on 10 January 2025.
Registration involves filling out the registration form, this linkand sending the documentation, as per Notice no.
In total, 20 places will be offered for the Master in Linguistic Studies. Holders of a degree in any area of knowledge, recognized by the Brazilian Ministry of Education, can enroll.
Holders of degrees obtained abroad, at higher education institutions that have international agreements in force with Unilab, will be able to enroll in postgraduate courses in a strict sense of the University, provided they are duly approved in the selection process. Holders of degree qualifications obtained abroad, at educational institutions that do not have international agreements in force with Unilab, must have the documentation relating to the renewal of the qualification and present it at the time of enrolment, under penalty of losing their place.
Master’s Degree
The Master in Linguistic Studies has the general objective of training high-level researchers from an intercultural and critical outlook towards the Portuguese language, seeking to contribute to the integration between Brazil and the other countries of the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries (CPLP ) and for the economic and social development of these countries, through the training of teacher-researchers capable of tackling the research and teaching of the Portuguese language in its socio-historical-geographical complexity.
The master’s area of concentration is called Language and Integration and hosts postgraduate studies on oral and written interactions as components of socially situated discursive practices; on the processes of text production and meaning production, from its subjective dimension to its social, historical and ideological dimension; and on verbal and non-verbal languages and their correlations, and also on interaction processes, highlighting cultural aspects.
PPGLin-Unilab is interested in investigating linguistic issues based on its two lines of research: 1) Language: diversity and language policies; and 2) Language: text-discursive practices.
> Find out more about the Master the page is PPGLin-Unilab.
> All facts on this selection process, for entry into the 2025.1 semester, is available on Notice nº 04/2024.