The Civil Guard escorts delivery trucks in Asturias to guarantee supplies to supermarkets

by time news

Agents of the Civil Guard of Asturias have escorted several delivery trucks that were carrying merchandise to Asturian supermarkets early this morning. The objective of the Benemérita agents is to guarantee both the supplies of basic products and the right to work of those who do not support the transporters’ strike called for a few days and which is having a special impact in Asturias.

The indefinite strike of autonomous carriers and small and medium-sized companies threatens these days to become entrenched and finally cause shortagesin view of the problems that are already being generated in the supply chain of some products and Government’s refusal to negotiate with its organizers. Today’s Sunday would already be the seventh consecutive day of unemployment.

The latest official data available reflects the activity of the state security forces and bodies between 8:00 a.m. last Saturday and 8:00 a.m. this Sunday. In that 24-hour period, agents escorted 55 convoys, a total of 264 vehicles. 39 people on violent pickets were identified and 81 checkpoints were established.

Sources from Alimerka, one of the Asturian supermarkets with the most presence throughout the territory, assured this afternoon that “every effort is being made to guarantee the supply to our customers” while thanking the work of the security forces.

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