When the GRH needed a grasshopper – he unexpectedly came to his room

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An amazing story that has been published in recent years and also the Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Zilberstein, mentioned it in his eulogy on the Minister of Torah Maran HaGrach Kanievsky Zatzokal.

It was a story that took place at a time when the late Maran HaGrach wrote his book “Karni Hagavim”. During his studies, Rabbi Chaim needed to understand certain details related to the body structure of the grasshopper, and while studying, Hagav entered his room and sat down on the wall, and did not move until Rabbi Chaim finished examining him.

Some time later, Rabbi Yitzchak Ratzabi came to R. Chaim to discuss with him the kosherness of the grasshoppers, and at the same time they asked R. Chaim if the story was true. R. Chaim confirmed the credibility of the story.

When the story was told to Rabbi Elyashiv Zatzokal, he was shocked and said that such a story was only suitable for the “Rishonim” period, and was amazed at the size of the story.

In the following years, when they wanted to renovate his house and demolish one of the walls, the rabbi said that “it is known from the deed of the late Hida that he performed a miracle on the stairs near his house and after a while he asked them to coat the stairs And they will see that there is a leader for the capital, “and so Rabbi Chaim asked to leave the wall on which the grasshopper stood.

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