Presidential live: “The election is not played, it would be a political and ethical fault to believe it”, assures Castaner

by time news

The essential

  • 20 days now separate us from the first round of the presidential election. A point of the campaign that continues to be controversial: Emmanuel Macron’s refusal to participate in a debate. “We have an outgoing president who does not want to justify himself on his balance sheet which constitutes his ball and on his project because he does not have one”, denounced on Sud Radio the LR Geoffroy Didier, support of Valérie Pécresse.
  • Jean-Luc Mélenchon organized a demonstration of force on Sunday by organizing a march for the Sixth Republic in Paris. “This vote (in the presidential election) is a social referendum, you have been warned! he predicted at his end, from the podium, in front of tens of thousands of people.
  • “The concern of Madame Pécresse is that she does not embody anything”, attacks in an interview with Parisian the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran. “She remained torn between a moderate right and a Tea Party right. As a result, the moderates come to us and the others increasingly join Éric Zemmour”, he continues.


Insubordinate France will call on “all voters” to vote for them, in the event of a second round

“Democracy needs confrontation”, “there is a confrontation that Emmanuel Macron will not be able to escape, it is that of the second round”, explains Adrien Quatennens. And the rebellious deputy from the North explains, “that on the evening of the second round”, rebellious France will call “all voters, wherever they come from, if they want things to change”, to vote for them . “It’s a great social referendum,” says Adrien Quatennens.


80% of LREM deputies want to stand again

“Around thirty parliamentarians from my group have told me that they do not want to stand again. 80% want to continue the fight ”, counts Christophe Castaner, president of the LREM group in the Assembly. The legislative elections are scheduled for June 12 and 19.


On the work related to the benefit of the RSA

The candidate Macron has put in his program about fifteen hours of work required of the beneficiaries of the RSA. “The idea is not to sanction but to revive integration. The people who are at the RSA do not want the allowance, I consider that they want to reintegrate ”, defends on RMC and BFM TV the president of the deputies LREM Christophe Castaner. “Allowance is the answer of cowards. To say Take some money… well no, we prefer to accompany, ”he adds.


Jean-Luc Mélenchon for the left who “does not want to be a spectator of the second round”

“If the left does not want to be a spectator in the second round, it has a ballot: it is Jean-Luc Mélenchon”, assures the rebellious Adrien Quatennens. And the deputy from the North to say how to gain points by the first round: increase participation and attract voters from other left-wing parties, in particular those of the communist Fabien Roussel. If the leaders do not withdraw, “the voters, in conscience, have an individual responsibility”, estimates the elected official.


Castaner on the risk of abstention

“It’s a real concern,” recognizes, minimizing the prospect of abstention, Christophe Castaner. “Today we have a political offer behind which there are fights, broad political offers. »


Yes, Macron and LREM are campaigning

“We are almost the only ones to campaign on the ground, all the executives and activists are mobilized, our candidate goes as soon as he can on the ground”, lists on RMC and BFM TV Christophe Castaner to ensure the Walkers’ commitment to campaign despite Emmanuel Macron’s refusal to debate with his opponents. And to add: “The election is not played, (…), it would be a political and ethical fault to believe it. »


Sarkozy’s support? “I don’t know”, says Geoffroy Didier

Asked about Sud Radio about Nicolas Sarkozy’s possible support for Valérie Pécresse, the communication director of the LR candidate assumes: “I don’t know. So much the better if she has it, if she doesn’t have it she will trace her furrow. And if the former president supported Emmanuel Macron? “I can’t imagine for a moment that Sarkozy couldn’t be loyal to his political family. »


“Valérie Pécresse is the only one who can still win against Emmanuel Macron”, says Geoffroy Didier

“We have three weeks left: the days that separate us from the election will count double or even triple…” says Geoffroy Didier, director of communication for candidate LR. “Valérie Pécresse is the only one who can still win against Emmanuel Macron,” he said, judging that Jean-Marie Le Pen, Eric Zemmour and Jean-Luc Mélenchon “disqualified” themselves by “lying down” in front of Vladimir Poutine .


The Republicans have made the “black book” of Macron’s balance sheet

“We have realized the occult balance sheet of Mr. Macron, which he does not want to talk about, the reality of his policy with failures at all levels”, explains on Europe 1 Nadine Morano, support of Valérie Pécresse, estimating that the outgoing president multiplies lies.

“He said that the Covid crisis had prevented him from carrying out the pension reform. If this reform had been good, he would represent it. He is lying, he did not do it because it was a gas plant and he did not manage to go to the end”, and today changes the reform of the content he proposes, attacks the former minister LR.


“We have a president who does not want to justify himself”

“We have an outgoing president who does not want to justify himself on his balance sheet which constitutes his ball and on his project because he does not have any”, denounces on Sud Radio the LR Geoffroy Didier. “What I fear is that the French will wake up after the presidential election,” adds the MEP, support for Valérie Pécresse. “The question is not that of institutional legitimacy, the question that arises is its political legitimacy”, he specifies.


“Marine Le Pen is Emmanuel Macron’s life insurance”

“We have 21 days to be in the second round, we have 21 days to convince”, explains on Europe 1 the former minister and MEP LR Nadine Morano.

“Marine Le Pen is Emmanuel Macron’s life insurance,” she said of the RN candidate far ahead of Valérie Pécresse in the polls. “She has never been elected to head a region, it is the demonstration that between the polls and reality… Valérie Pécresse has been elected twice to head a region”, insists Morano.


The rebels want to block gasoline prices

“The price of fuel continuing to rise, which is given to the French (15 cents on the liter from April 1) will quickly be swallowed up by the increase in prices”, estimates the Insoumis Eric Coquerel, proposing to block prices at 1.40 euros per liter. “It is the tankers who must make the first effort,” said the deputy of Seine-Saint-Denis and spokesperson for Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s campaign.


For Roussel, an exit from NATO, but not during the war in Ukraine

Favorable to the exit of NATO, Fabien Roussel estimates on France inter that “this question could be put on the agenda when we will have reached a ceasefire in Ukraine”. “Now is not the time to leave NATO, when all the countries of the world must be united to face Putin”, justifies the communist candidate on France inter. “If it had been done a few years ago, maybe France would have a greater weight,” he says.


Roussel wants to reinvest “100%” of dividends

“In times of war, as in times of pandemic, we cannot imagine that there are so many profits and dividends paid”, denounces on France inter the communist candidate Fabien Roussel. “100% of the dividends must be invested” in reviving the economy, he believes.


“We cannot ignore” a debate

“We cannot ignore a democratic debate”, “there is the need to have this exchange”, estimates Christian Jacob, the LR president, while Emmanuel Macron refuses to participate in a debate before the first round. Without this “legitimacy”, “there are risks in the street”, he warns on France 2.


“The meeting is the evening of the first round”, reassures the LR Christian Jacob

The useful vote on the right remains Valérie Pécresse, despite the polls down, according to the president of the Republicans. “The meeting is the evening of the first round”, recalls Christian Jacob, believing that the polls underestimate LR. And the president of the Republicans to recall on France 2: “We are in a moment when everything is possible: to vote useful on the right is to vote Valérie Pécresse. » « The polls are not wrong, but it is a photograph at a given moment… What matters is the result. »


Macron wants the same rules for all candidates

The CNCCEP ruled on March 11 “that, given the characteristics of the use” of the official @EmmanuelMacron Twitter account, “used for a long time and in a predominant way to relay messages relating to the exercise of his duties as Chairman of the Republic”, it was “preferable not to use this account to broadcast” campaign messages.

Several rivals of the president-candidate continue to use their usual accounts, such as the candidate LR Valérie Pécresse (446,000 subscribers), also president of the Ile-de-France region, or the socialist Anne Hidalgo, mayor of Paris ( 1.5 million subscribers).


About fifty attacks on Zemmour activists since the start of the campaign

Eric Zemmour asks the State to “crack down” on the attacks by its militants, which have multiplied in recent weeks. Since the start of the campaign, around 50 activists have been “attacked with knives, brass knuckles, attack dogs, tear gas, firearms, chairs, broken bottles and mortar fire “, denounces Eric Zemmour in a press release.

Two men were ordered a criminal composition on Sunday, after spraying gasoline on pro-Zemmour activists on Friday. Also on Friday, but this time in Metz, the leader of the Generation Z youth movement, Stanislas Rigault, as well as a spokesperson for Reconquête!, were extensively insulted on the sidelines of a meeting of the candidate, according to a video they posted on social media.


Morning program

Two candidates for the presidential election will be to follow, this morning, in the morning radio. The candidate of the French Communist Party (PCF) Fabien Roussel will be the guest of France inter at 7:50 a.m. and that of Reconquest will be a guest of RMC at 10 a.m.


Good morning all

Welcome to our new direct dedicated to the presidential election, 20 days from the first round.

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