loop! Dengue fever epidemic, not allergic to covids

by time news

loop! Dengue fever epidemic, not allergic to covids

On March 21, at the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH), Dr. Opas Karnkawinpong Director-General of the Department of Disease Control Mention of dengue hemorrhagic fever is expected to be a heavy epidemic this year that dengue fever is an endemic disease of Thailand. An indication of the dengue outbreak is Aedes larvae. Now we surveyed that the Aedes larvae index started to increase. Especially at the beginning of this year there is a lot of rain. We take a signal that Dengue fever is likely to be strong. Expected to start spreading after Songkran and is likely to spread Because of the nature of dengue fever, it will spread like 1 year, every other year or 2 years apart because there are 4 types of dengue fever. People infected will have immunity for 1 year. Not infected with other species. Dengue fever has not spread in Thailand for 2 years, so it is expected that Thai people’s immunity against dengue is very low. This year is expected to be dengue hemorrhagic fever 2, which this strain is of concern. because if infected with other species will make the disease more severe Chance of death is high. Dengue fever does not have a specific antiviral drug. There will be a critical point. When the fever is high, then the fever is reducing. After that, there will be symptoms of bleeding and shock, so this period must be closely supported, such as sucking blood, giving fluids to prevent shock. and if the bleeding is profuse It will cause lung flooding and death.

Dr. Opas said that the symptoms of dengue fever in the early stages are very close to Covid-19 and with Covid-19 epidemic in all regions of the country when infected simultaneously The first symptoms are fever which may be indistinguishable. Unless there is a clear respiratory symptom that is COVID-19, such as a runny nose, sore throat, but if there is a fever, aches and pains, a lot of headaches, nausea and vomiting. can’t eat It will be a symptom of dengue fever, so if symptoms are similar to dengue fever. asked to see a doctor blood test

“Don’t think that you are only covid-19 and 2 diseases can be at the same time. We met the deceased, with fever, headache, and a little runny nose. thought it was covid test for covid-19 But the symptoms began to worsen. vomiting blood The doctor found dengue hemorrhagic fever, so if you find any strange symptoms, you are unsure, see a doctor immediately,” said Dr. Opas, adding that he asked everyone Both the village headman, the village headman, and the village health volunteers (Vol. to reduce the chance of mosquitoes

Dr. Opas also said that for the first 3 months of this year Found 3 deaths compared to the previous year, 6 fatalities for the whole year for groups that need to be careful It originally occurred in children, but later found more in adults. Because parents began to protect their children more. But adults may not be careful, even the age of 60 can be, every age group thinks it has the common cold or covids, so it’s important to be careful.

Dr. Opas said that the Department of Disease Control has now prepared a support plan, which tomorrow (22 March 2022) will be presented at a meeting of the Office of the Permanent Secretary. MOPH for provincial public health doctors (Dr.S.O.P.) to implement the plan through the Provincial Communicable Disease Committee mechanism. that doesn’t just look at covid alone But the disease that poses a danger to all people must be looked at. In the pre-epidemic period Must follow up in the event that the first suspected patient is found to hurry to control Currently, we have set up an action unit to control infectious diseases led by insects. to survey and spray chemicals to eliminate mosquito larvae

The reporter asked The death toll from dengue fever this year was caused by ignorance. And how to heal slowly or not? I think I’m infected with covid-19 thought that would be nothing and did not expect that this year’s dengue fever will be strong and fast Some people think that it is a common cold, they go to take antipyretics. In the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or aspirin, gastrointestinal bleeding increases. The deceased this year were teenagers and adults. No young children have died yet. But be careful

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