Tzadik Gezer and Gd fulfills: the ‘masterpieces’ of the late Maran HaGrach Kanievsky

by time news

What was not written about the greatness of the Minister of Torah, Garach Kanievsky Zatzokal, about knowing the entire Torah and rare knowledge of all the intricacies of the revealed and hidden Torah, Before a white match, in financial matters or a complicated medical question.

The Minister of Torah would look up, answer briefly and return to his Talmud, from all over the world he was referred to some of whom he answered in what turned out to be the ‘Holy Spirit’ really. In the Haredi Rooms, he collected a collection of the famous “masterpieces” that came out of the sanctuary of the late Maran HaGrach.

The candidate for conservative commissioner of the Torah minister refused to congratulate

During the contest for the position of Commissioner of Police in 2009, senior police officers arrived, including David Bitan, to the house of the Minister of Torah, Rabbi Gerach Kanievsky.

The grandson who asked for a blessing on the path designated for the position of commissioner, the late Maran asked him “Are you a Cohen”? Those present in the room did not understand why Maran was asking the question and what he meant by that, and answered no. “He is Israel,” the grandson replied. After a thunderous silence, Maran HaGrach greeted “a blessing to all” and may it be a miracle.

A few days later it was learned that the then Minister of Internal Security decided not to appoint a new commissioner but to appoint a temporary commissioner, whoever was elected to the position, his name is … Moti Cohen.

Watch the amazing documentation from the room of the late Maran Minister of Torah

Want a greeting? Travel to Safed, not abroad

It was on a winter Saturday evening of the year 5777, an important kollel head entered the house of Garach Kanievsky who was scheduled to fly abroad the next day to raise funds and asked for the blessing of the Minister of Torah prior to the trip. The rabbi immediately responded, “Why go abroad.”

The head of the kollel insisted and told the Minister of Torah that he has large debts and he must embark on a fundraising campaign for the students. The GRH replied: “Go to Safed.”

‘In the Haredi Rooms’ brought the continuation of the story as it was brought to the AHM in the leaflet ‘Divrei Sheikh’, the head of the kollel left the room, met a friend and told him the words of the Garach. The friend came in again and told the rabbi that he owed a lot of money Lou: “If you want to travel, I but gave a blessing for a trip to Safed.”

The head of the kollel heard the words of the Garach, canceled the flight and went to rest in Safed. On Sunday evening he went to the Sanz synagogue in the city and studied until he fell asleep at the table. : 00.

During the prayer, the head of the kollel noticed a wealthy American Jew, and after the prayer he decided to approach him and try his luck. The head of the kollel told the Jew the words of the GRH and he, as in the stories, immediately asked ‘how much money do you need’. The head of the kollel answered and he told him ‘let me check’. To Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky the story of the deed he replied: “He who hears and believes God helps him.”

“I can lend you a penny – give them and that’s enough”

In the previous shemita year (2009), the citrus grower, Rabbi Moshe Neiman, came to the home of Garach Kanievsky to consult with him regarding a recent legal proceeding and asked him for a blessing.

The rabbi who thanked him for the elegant etrogs he brings every year asked to hear the deed, and this is what Rabbi Neiman says, “14 years ago I worked at Otzar Beit Din as the person in charge of the etrog warehouse, , Even though I was not guilty of his injury, the employee filed a lawsuit against ‘Otzar Beit Din’ and against me in a particularly high amount.

The court decided to convict Rabbi Neiman because he was his employer on the ground, and the judge offered the parties to reach a compromise, but Rabbi Neiman claimed to the court that he was not guilty and could not meet the compromise amount the judge offered due to the amount.

“I can lend you a penny,” the rabbi suggested, but an associate of the rabbi, Rabbi Epstein, told the rabbi that “if he only goes out with a penny, it’s okay. The problem is that he is being sued and he is not guilty. “.

Mr. Garach took a shekel out of his wallet and said: “Pay them and that will be enough. Tell them that you, too, are accompanied, “Maran added with a smile.

Not a short time has passed and the matter is settled on the best side. The judge scolded the lawyers and the responsibility fell on the insurance company, and Rabbi Neiman came to “repay the debt” – when the GRH agreed with a smile to leave the miraculous shekel in Rabbi Neiman’s possession.

You obeyed the order of the Minister of Torah – and his life was saved

In 2004, almost a disaster occurred at the Jerusalem Or Elchanan yeshiva, one of the yeshiva students was injured by a bullet fired from the security guard’s gun, the guy survived a more serious injury, about a watch that was in his pocket and deflected the bullet a few millimeters from the main artery in the leg. In the pocket? In Behadrei Haredim, the reason was revealed, and it is the complete obedience to the late Rabbi of the Torah.

For the past decade, Garach Kanievsky has instructed every yeshiva student or student who comes before him and wears a luxury watch, even gilded or silver, that it is defined as a ‘piece of jewelry’ and therefore ‘will not wear’. Of course, there is no prohibition on holding it in his pocket.

The injured yeshiva student also visited the GRH’s residence about a month before the incident took place, and when the GRH noticed the watch he was wearing, he commented on it as usual. The guy immediately obeyed and removed the watch and put it in his pocket. Since then, he has strictly observed the teaching of the Garach and we no longer wear it.

“The paramedics who treated the injured guy noticed a watch sticking out of his pants pocket. They expressed great astonishment that the watch actually caused the bullet to miss the main artery in the leg, as he braked the ball and pushed it aside. “God forbid.”

Is it possible to tell about the ‘masterpiece’?

In a video from about a year ago, Rabbi Yeshayahu Graucher, one of the associates and students of the late Minister of Torah Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, was seen entering his room and telling him about a girl who underwent surgery on the rabbi’s recommendation despite the doctors’ disagreement and advice to undergo the operation. “There’s a girl here, she’s 19, four and a half years old she could not move her hand, and all the doctors said that if she had surgery, then it could do worse, great damage.”

“The rabbi said to do the surgery, last Friday they had surgery and on Thursday she started moving her hand, and she is now a normal girl. The doctors at the hospital want to tell everyone the masterpiece, so that more people can do this surgery, so they ask the rabbi if they Can you tell? “

View call documentation:

25 years I’m looking for you

The Gaon R. Reuven Reich, son-in-law of the Rosh Yeshiva of Lakewood, told of one Jew who in his choice liked to take many pictures of the greats of the generation, and once had a quiet time at the house of the late Minister of Torah On him.

And when he saw the late Maran HaGrach that he was photographing, he scolded him for stopping taking pictures, but Hela continued to take more and more pictures. So Maran was angry with him and said to him: “Cheeky! I told you to stop filming!” At this point the guy got scared, and opened the ‘film’ of the photos and burned all the photos…

Many years later when he had already established a home and was blessed with sons, he once came to Beit Maran with one of his children before the bar mitzvah to ask for his blessing. It was while receiving a routine audience, Maran stared at him penetratingly and immediately said to him: “I have been looking for you for 25 years !! You are the guy who photographed me at the time, I wanted to apologize for being angry with you”.

Add to it the name Nebuchadnezzar

Averech, who lives in one of the ultra-Orthodox cities, has a family with many children, fell ill with a serious illness and lay on his deathbed. Son What name should you add? The rabbi replied: “Add Ahasuerus to him.” The puzzling act.

His father, who heard Rabbi Peretz’s words, wept terribly and for about half an hour could not be stopped. Yes, he is a complete gentile, and it will be a miracle.

Congratulations and good luck but go get a haircut before buying the apartment

The following story is about Avrech Ben Torah asking to buy an apartment in Bnei Brak. The price was considered a “bargain” and the landlord clicked to close the deal. Before signing the contract, he went to the house of Garach Kanievsky to be blessed. The rabbi heard the details and greeted: “Blessings and success, but go get a haircut” … And sat down on the chair.

He approached the book, who was surprised to see it with a head that looked properly told, to his question, the student replied that he was about to sign a contract to buy an apartment, and therefore approached to receive the blessing of Rabbi Kanievsky, and this is the answer he received. The bookman, who was interested in the details of the apartment, was astonished, “From this apartment you will escape like fire,” the book told the customer. “I live in the building opposite, and there are serious problems between the neighbors, and everyone who buys there is in a hurry to sell” …

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