In which places is the health pass still compulsory?

by time news

FOCUS – The vaccination pass has been suspended in France since March 14, but the health pass is still required in health establishments.

Less than two months after its entry into force on January 24, the vaccination pass was suspended on March 14, as was the wearing of masks in most public places. The reason ? Despite a recent rebound in Covid-19 contaminations, hospital indicators have stabilized. The vaccine sesame is thus no longer required, neither in places of leisure and culture, commercial catering activities, fairs and trade shows, nor in interregional long-distance public transport (domestic flights, journeys by TGV, Intercités and train night, interregional coaches).

But if the vaccination pass is no longer, the health pass is still compulsory in some places. Le Figaro make the point.

How to activate the health pass?

The health pass is in the form of a QR code stored in the TousAntiCovid application or in paper format. It can be activated by several documents:

  • A vaccination certificate attesting to a complete vaccination schedule of more than seven days.
  • A negative PCR or antigen test less than 24 hours old.
  • A certificate of recovery (positive test for at least 11 days and less than 4 months for non-vaccinated people).
  • A certificate attesting to a medical contraindication to vaccination.

In which establishments must a health pass be presented?

The health pass is required for people over 12 years old, accompanying persons or visitors, going to the following health establishments:

  • Hospitals, clinics, medico-social establishments.
  • Retirement homes, Ehpad.
  • Institutions welcoming people with disabilities.

Patients who have treatment scheduled at the hospital must have a health pass, unless otherwise decided by the head of department. The obligation is obviously waived in all emergency situations.

On the other hand, the vaccination obligation for caregivers (with a booster dose) is maintained, said the Prime Minister on TF1 on March 3.

Can I travel without a health pass?

Yes in France, by train, bus or plane, but the health pass may be required when crossing borders for travel to/from France and in certain overseas territories. Travelers must always comply with the rules of the destination country in Europe or elsewhere. Some countries like Ireland or Iceland no longer require any health document, proof of vaccination or test while others require full vaccination. In France, the authorities have established a classification by color of the countries of the world according to the level of circulation of the virus and the presence of variants of Covid-19. The travel service of Figaro maintains the list of countries classified today in green or orange. Since July 1, 2021, the QR code present on the French health pass can be read everywhere in Europe, directly in the TousAntiCovid application or in paper format, in French and in English.

Until when?

The use of the sanitary pass is possible until the summer. After heated debates in the National Assembly and the Senate, the health vigilance law published in the Official Journal of November 11, 2021 extended until July 31, 2022 the regime for exiting the state of health emergency. In particular, it provides for the possibility of using the health pass until this date if the health situation justifies it.

In Europe, the rules for travelers to present their digital EU COVID certificate for travel within the Union are legally scheduled until June 30, 2023, according to.

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