Mid-Shiva: The famous bridge of the Minister of Torah Zatzokal was destroyed

by time news

The most famous bridge in the Jewish world, on which the Rabbi of the Torah, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky Zatzokal, walked from his house on Rashbam Street in Bnei Brak to the Lederman Synagogue near his house, was dismantled this evening and was another sign of the end of an era | What was the promise to the neighbors that had already been dismantled even within the shiva

In recent years, a special bridge has been built from the home of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky Zatzokal at 23 Rashbam Street in Bnei Brak, leading to the Lederman Synagogue near his home.

The bridge, which was first built in 1959, was temporarily later at the end of 2004. It was built regularly and it made it much easier for the GRH who would cross it from his home for prayers at Lederman and also to serve as a godfather in the covenants on a daily basis.

Tonight (Monday) in the middle of the shiva, the mythological bridge was dismantled, on which Garach Kanievsky walked for ten years.

Crowds who would come to receive an audience would watch the flesh of the Torah walk on the bridge from his house, as he walked slowly along with his servants and grandchildren.

Behadrei Haredim has learned that the promise of the members of the household to neighbors in the nearby buildings was that the bridge would be dismantled immediately after 120 and indeed the promise was fulfilled in full and the bridge was dismantled by the workers who sawed it. Similarly, the parking of the vehicle built under the house will also be dismantled so as not to disturb the neighbors.

On Saturday evening, they even made a hole in the bridge so that the Derman synagogue would not pass the uncleanness of the priests from the house, where the pure body of the late rabbi was staying.

Meanwhile, the masses continue to flock to the house in Rashbam to comfort the mourners’ sons of the Minister of Torah ZIA.

Gerach Kanievsky at Kiddush Livna on the bridge. Photo: Archive in my room

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