Institutions of Germany will be engaged in the protection of cultural values ​​of Ukraine | Culture and lifestyle in Germany and Europe | DW

by time news

The German government has created a network of institutions aimed at protecting cultural property in Ukraine. As Claudia Roth, Minister of State for Culture and Media, explained on Monday, March 21, the initiative is aimed at collecting, coordinating and internationally disseminating information about threats to culture, as well as about the need for assistance and proposals for its provision. According to Roth, Ukrainian cultural values ​​are under threat of destruction, and with them the cultural heritage of Europe.

The central body of the network will be the German National Committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM). Among the organizations cooperating with it are the German National Library, the Federal Archives and the German Commission for UNESCO.

“We will do our best to help the people of Ukraine preserve and protect their culture,” said State Minister at the German Foreign Ministry Katja Keul, stressing that the Russian attack threatens the cultural identity of Ukraine, as well as its cultural heritage and artistic values. .

According to the German government, there are more than 400 museums and 3,000 cultural sites in Ukraine, including seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

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