Tax Authority and Police in a wave of arrests: Investment house fraud exposed

by time news

The joint operation of the Israel Police and the Tax Authority (photo of the police spokeswoman)

This morning (Monday), police from the Hof District Fraud Division, assisted by police from the Hof and Central Districts, as well as Border Police fighters, arrested five suspects on suspicion of spending anything fraudulently, money laundering, omission of income under the Income Tax Ordinance and forgeries – each according to his share. . During a search of their home, police seized computers and other equipment.

According to the joint announcement of the Tax Authority and the Israel Police, the suspects managed to forge tax exemption certificates from the Tax Authority and thus managed to spend millions of shekels for their clients from pension funds and study funds from investment houses without paying taxes on suspicion.

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The investigation also revealed that the main suspects stole some of the funds’ money, slipped it into their pockets and also transferred the money to other accounts in order to obscure their tracks.

The Hof District Fraud Division, together with the Haifa and North Tax Authority’s Assessing Officer, conducted an investigation into the case last year, in which dozens of testimonies were collected from customers for whom redemptions were made and from Tax Authority employees who testified that the documents used by the suspects were forged.

Later in the day and in accordance with the needs of the investigation, some of the detainees will be brought to the Magistrate’s Court in Acre for a hearing on the request for an extension of their detention. Also, update that the investigation is ongoing.

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