Diabetes, a molecule identified that helps to find out who will get sick – time.news

by time news

A specific micro-RNA could be the sign that the disease is approaching in those suffering from pre-diabetes: in Italy there are 10 million, but the danger can be averted with a Mediterranean diet and motion

There are ten million Italians with pre-diabetes, or with blood glucose at guard levels and a very high risk of developing diabetes; now an Italian research, published on Cardiovascular Diabetology
has identified a possible marker indicative of an increased risk of developing the disease.


The pre-diabetes a sort of middle ground between health and disease, in which fasting blood sugar between 100 and 124 mg / dl and insulin resistance begins to manifest; often people with pre-diabetes are also overweight and the likelihood of getting sick within a few months or years is very high. According to the new data, a specific molecule could be the right indicator to find out who has a higher risk of diabetes: it is a micro-RNAmiR-21, which previous research has shown to be associated with high blood sugar and thatIRCCS Multimedica of Milan they monitored as part of the DIAPASON research project (Diabetes prediction and screening: observational study) on over 500 people with very high risk of diabetes. In a subgroup that had particularly alarming blood glucose levels, a lifestyle intervention was also proposed, by predicting a diet based on the Mediterranean diet and a modest amount of physical activity.


After one year, in 84 percent of the sample who followed the new diet we found not only weight loss, decrease in body mass index and improvement of cardiometabolic parameters with the reduction of blood sugar, as it was easy to predict, but above all a reduction of miR-21, which confirms the relationship between this molecule and the blood glucose values ​​- he explains Lucia La Sala, IRCCS MultiMedica researcher and author of the study -. The dosage of miR-21, associated with blood glucose, can therefore become a new indicator of pre-diabetes and the risk of developing overt diabetes. Moreover oxidative stress also develops as blood sugar increases, which is a cause of vascular damage and fueled by miR-21 itself, which inhibits the antioxidant capacity of cells: after the intervention on the lifestyle vascular damage is reduced, confirming the fact that in pre-diabetes still reversible, and it also shows us that miR-21 is a reliable molecular marker of both the harmful reactions triggered by hyperglycemia and their eventual regression. Pending the validation of this molecular marker, the study confirms for a fundamental element: when the glycaemia exceeds the threshold of 100 mg / dl in fasting there is still time to reverse the courseif you change habits by improving your diet and abandoning a sedentary lifestyle.

March 22, 2022 (change March 22, 2022 | 13:04)

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