According to the news site Travel Noire, which is aimed at “the black diaspora” and particularly African-Americans, “the two main criteria when choosing an expatriation destination are the possibility of having incredible experiences that would not be possible in your country of origin and affordable living costs. And you really hit the jackpot when you have both at the same time and you can also discover African culture.” The site has selected seven destinations that meet these criteria:

  • 1. Zambia: The country is known for its grandiose landscapes. Furthermore, “the cost of living is 50% cheaper than in the United States or France”even in Lusaka, the capital. “The monthly cost of living for one person is estimated around 953 dollars [863 euros] all-in.”
  • 2. Senegal: “Destination of choice in Africa for its slow pace of life, its famous cultural scene, not to mention the fact that Senegal is the symbol of African chic”Explain Travel Noire. “Dakar, the capital, is the beating heart of the country, but it has plenty of other things to offer elsewhere.” Senegal is not the cheapest destination on the African continent, but life there remains affordable.
  • 3. Gambia: One of the smallest countries in the region, it is nicknamed the “smiling coast of west africa”. Life is slow there and the beaches are very beautiful. According to a 2021 Mercer study, prices are not high even in Banjul, the capital.
  • 4. Tunisia: Living in Tunisia means being able to discover the beauty of the Atlas while having easy access to Europe, the rest of Africa and the Middle East. “It’s a small country crossed by diverse influences and cultures.”
  • 5. Ethiopia: Most expatriates live in the capital, Addis Ababa, where the Ethnological Museum and the former palace of Emperor Haile Selassie I can be The prices there are affordable.
  • 6. South Africa: “One of the most dynamic economies in Africa”, note Travel Noire. South Africa is often cited as a favorite destination for black expats. But beware, the cost of living is quite high there, even if Johannesburg is cheaper than Cape Town.
  • 7. Mozambique : Who wouldn’t want to go and live in a country with “turquoise waters, dune-fringed beaches and vibrant, unspoilt traditions” ? Rents, transport and leisure are cheap.