Presidential: retirement, rurality, Corsica … What to remember from the interview with Emmanuel Macron on France Bleu

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No debate, but an hour of interview and discussion with French listeners. Emmanuel Macron answered questions from France Bleu’s “Ma France” program on Tuesday, between 1 and 2 p.m. Situation in Corsica, support for nursing staff, senior citizens… The candidate president detailed a little more certain points of his program, presented to the press last Thursday. We take stock of what the outgoing president said during this hour on the air.

The call for “a spirit of calm and responsibility” in Corsica

The day after the death of Yvan Colonna, sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of the prefect Erignac perpetrated in 1998, it is on the situation in Corsica that Emmanuel Macron is questioned in the first place. “We all have to be vigilant,” he says. A man is dead, a report has been requested, consequences will be drawn. I want to have a thought for his loved ones, his family, but also for those close to the prefect Erignac. In this context, the most important thing is that calm be maintained, that discussions continue, ”says Emmanuel Macron, who calls for “a spirit of calm and responsibility. »

Blank record of elected officials: Macron brandishes the “at the same time”

Asked by an auditor about the duty of exemplarity of elected officials, the outgoing president does not consider the absolute obligation to have a clean criminal record appropriate. He explains this, taking in particular the example of the presidential candidate, Éric Zemmour, condemned for incitement to racial discrimination: “I am attached to the fact that in a democracy it is the voters who can choose. Éric Zemmour is sentenced for comments he made. Is it up to justice (to decide if he can apply)? I’m not sure,” he replies.

Supporter of the now classic “at the same time”, Emmanuel Macron recommends setting “a limit” on this plan. “There are more serious convictions, but on remarks that are an offense of opinion I think that should not create a limit”, he believes. The candidate president notably considers it necessary that the candidates “have not committed misdeeds which do not make them more credible”, taking the example of “embezzlement”.

“We will continue to hire” caregivers

“Our president is not there for us. I have a president who does not know my life and the democratic debate does not take place”, grumbles on the antenna Yvonne, a listener from Vaucluse. “I tried to be present on the territory during these 5 years”, answers Emmanuel Macron. And the latter to mention in particular the increase in the salaries of caregivers decided in the Ségur de la santé. “The first step was to pay better, we did it. Then it’s recognition work and we will continue to hire so that the daily life is sustainable, “he said, inviting” not to let go “. “We have put the means, we will continue and believe me we will do it until the end. »

“A living environment” for doctors in rural areas

Asked about the need to find doctors in rural areas, Emmanuel Macron makes an observation: “the new generations no longer want to practice medicine as before”. He therefore proposes, in addition to “initiating young people (medical students) to the medicine of the territories”, to “allow to do first university cycles in medium-sized cities” and “try to encourage them to go to these areas “by creating in particular a “living environment” which involves “housing assistance”, a job offer “to his or her spouse”. Finally, according to him, the doctor must be able to “entrust more missions to nurses” and rely on medical assistants to “no longer do paperwork”.

Allowing seniors to “age in place”

Emmanuel Macron promises 50,000 additional staff positions in nursing homes. “We are talking about our parents and our grandparents (…) who need humanity”, he justifies. While France will have one million French people over the age of 75 by 2025, “we must support this movement” by allowing in particular to “age at home”, he says. This implies in particular helping seniors “to finance the change of their accommodation”, granting “more time” for daily meals and toilets. Emmanuel Macron also intends to “create more suitable places for beguinages, boarding houses” for people who cannot stay alone and “continue to invest in our nursing homes”.

Retirement at 65, “the only way” to cope with the aging of the population

“Very attached to our pay-as-you-go pension system” which consists of active people paying for the retirement of old people, as is currently the case in France, Emmanuel Macron supports retirement postponed to 65 years old. “In an aging country, we have three solutions: either we lower pensions – I am against it. (…) Increase contributions: I am not in favor of this solution because in our country we already have a lot of expenses. (…) There is only one way, it is to work longer”, he justifies. This measure “will be done gradually” and will take into account “the realities of the social regime”, he promises, emphasizing in particular the necessary improvement at the end of the career.

“We defend, we protect, we will be there for the long term”

On the prices of raw materials, “we are in any case facing a global crisis, we are going to be faced with a global food crisis”, recognizes the candidate for his re-election, in a conflict between Ukraine and Russia, two ” granaries” of Europe. To arm oneself in the face of this large-scale food crisis, Emmanuel Macron proposes to gradually return to the “short circuit” and the reflex of buying French. “Over time, you have to depend less on all these materials that sometimes come from the other side of the world and over time,” he insists.

Macron defends his five-year term

Asked about the purchasing power of the French, Emmanuel Macron defends tooth and nail his balance sheet. “It’s a five-year term that has gained a lot of purchasing power, especially for the working middle and working classes,” he insists. The candidate proposes to invest “massively” on what is according to him “the worst inequality”: the initial inequality. For this, it proposes to focus its program for 2022 to 2027 around school and health. This will happen in particular, he says, through better remuneration for teachers and “great infrastructure work” for the hospital sector.

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