The expert who taught Putin about body language claims: “We see that he is experiencing a crisis”

by time news

About 30 years ago Alan Peas, an international expert, first met Vladimir Putin to teach him all about the meaning of his movements and facial expressions. The two first met when Putin was 39, in the city of St. Petersburg, just about a year after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Having accompanied him over the years, now Peas claims that the current body language of the Russian tyrant indicates a brain deterioration that was probably caused by the decision to attack Ukraine.

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Pizz and his wife Barbara, who trains politicians from former communist countries to be more “Western,” met Putin somewhere in 1991. In those days the Russian president was appointed deputy mayor of St. Petersburg, and the meeting of the two was entirely coincidental.

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“My wife and I set up three meetings with the president in those days, Boris Yeltsin, but he never came. “One Vladimir Putin,” Piz said. He further noted that although the lieutenant was much shorter than expected, he lacked what he lacked in height with his sharp mind and fast and efficient learning.

Alan and Barbara Peas (Photo: Getty images)

Turret position
Despite Putin’s famous past as a KGB agent, at the time he was not yet a well-known figure in Russia. Slowly, as he progressed through the ranks, Pizz said he noticed that everything Putin taught him was implemented on television. One of the main poses he taught him was the “turret pose”: connect the two hands in the shape of a church spire (a kind of triangle) and lean back with a smile, without baring your teeth.

Putin decided to adopt this position, which makes the operation seem safe and in control of the situation. “If you watch Putin’s videos from before the crisis with Ukraine, you will see that he uses this pose regularly,” Piz said.

On the left (in front) Putin guards the On the left (in front) Putin guards the “turret movement”, on the right (after) he rages and waves his fists (Photo: Reuters, Getty Images)

The Russian face
One of the challenges Piz had to face was to train Putin to get rid of the tough Soviet face. “I explained to him that if he was going to do business even if not Russian, he should learn to smile,” he said. And although the Russian president is not known precisely because of his warm hospitality, photos from his early tenure show that he actually adopted the expert’s recommendation.

On the left (before) Putin is light and loose, on the right (after) he is angry and stressed (Photo: Getty images)On the left (before) Putin is light and loose, on the right (after) he is angry and stressed (Photo: Getty images)

Tough walking
When Piz first visited the former Soviet Union he noticed that the Russians’ expectations of their leader were different from the rest of the world. “The Russian people want the president to be a brave fighter. A patriot. They want to see him fly a plane and become a martial arts champion.” To that end, Pizz taught Putin the gait with which he is identified, with both hands straight and close to his body, so that they accompany the movement of the legs with confidence.

On the left (before) Putin keeps the tough walk, on the right (after) he walks hunched over and unstable (Photo: YouTube screenshot, Getty images)On the left (before) Putin keeps the tough walk, on the right (after) he walks hunched over and unstable (Photo: YouTube screenshot, Getty images)

The change that has taken place in Putin
If in the past the 69-year-old admirer was meticulous about the body language he learned from the expert Alan Pizz, today one can see the loosening in the careful walking, the sitting shape and the facial expressions. If in the past he kept the movement of the turret, today he no longer emphasizes the movement of the hands. Compared to the tough and serious walk the president had, he can now be seen walking more hunched over, and even his face that once radiated calm and control over the situation are getting more appropriate today for a stressed, angry and confused person.

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