Tuesday, 31 December 2024 – 21:06 WIB
Sandra Dewi’s husband, Harvey Moeis, underwent a trial in the tin corruption case at the Corruption Court, Jakarta on Thursday (22/8). Photo: Romaida/JPNN.com
jpnn.comJAKARTA – YouTuber Guru Gembul also commented on the excitement of netizens who highlighted the 6.5 year prison sentence against Harvey Moeis in the tin corruption case.
According to him, one thing that is certain about corruption is that it cannot be done alone.
He believes this action involves many people and will form a malicious conspiracy group.
Guru Gembul believes that the greater the resources that are corrupted, the greater the need to involve many parties.
He conveyed this in the latest content via the Guru Gembul account on YouTube, which already has 1.39 million followers.
In that content, he discusses tin corruption involving Harvey Moeis, Sandra Dewi’s husband and other parties.
“Corruption needs people. The bigger the corruption, the more people are involved. If few people are arrested in big cases, then there will definitely be big bosses who are still roaming free,” said Guru Gembul.
According to him, if corruption occurs in the mining sector, then the evil conspiracy involves even more people.
YouTuber Guru Gembul also commented on the excitement of netizens who highlighted the 6.5 year prison sentence against Harvey Moeis in the tin corruption case.
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