Low response to pediatric vaccine for hepatitis A and other routine vaccines

by time news

This year, there was a decrease in the rate of immunization with routine vaccines among children, and in particular with the hepatitis A vaccine.

Another similar matter

According to the data presented in the report: The immunization rate against hepatitis A was 90.5% in 2018, compared to 2021, when it was 71.3%. The rate of immunization against meningitis decreased by about 4%. A similar decrease was also recorded in the rate of vaccination against polio and in the “triangle” vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis.

The Ministry of Health acknowledged: “There is a decrease in immunization coverage in the various vaccines, and especially in booster doses.

Referring to the decline in the rate of childhood immune protection against hepatitis A, the chairman of the Pediatrics Association, Prof. Tzachi Grossman, said: “The decline in the rate of immune protection is disturbing and problematic. According to them, the routine vaccines that the children receive in the milk drops constitute the permanent and extremely important infrastructure in protecting the citizens of Israel against various epidemics. “

Prof. Grossman noted: “The decrease in immune coverage in the corona years is due to a decrease in access to milk drop services due to closures and probably also in a weakening of public confidence in some of these vaccines. In case of viral hepatitis A, Milk drop stations. “

He stressed: “There is now an urgent need to accurately assess the status of immunization coverage in routine immunizations, to examine by surveying current parental attitudes towards these immunizations and to take all necessary steps to restore the high immunization coverage that existed here in the past.”

In view of the polio outbreak in several localities, including Jerusalem, hundreds of thousands of vaccine doses were purchased last week and consideration is being given to expanding the campaign to supplement vaccines against the virus to all parts of the country, including children up to the age of ten.

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