How to lose weight “Keto Fat-Use the IF Method”? to see results, good health

by time news

Losing weight is not just about taking care of your figure and beauty. It is also about the treatment of disease and health care.popular trendsare as follows

keto diet It is a trend of diet food that has been popular continuously. This is because many people who use this method have achieved satisfactory results and also have a positive effect on the body.

IF weight loss For those who still choose to lose weight with IF fasting is also more popular than ever. because of this diet Healthy and lose weight fast

The Plant-Based Diet weight loss diet trends focusing on eating mainly plant foods but can also eat meat like Fish and beef. but will focus on organic meat instead It is a weight loss diet trend that people are still interested in eating natural foods.

Flexitarian Diet vegetarian diet pattern Flexible vegans are very popular in America. It is not necessary to eat only vegetable and plant foods, but can drink milk and eat eggs normally.

The Immune System Support Diet immune supplement During the COVID-19 pandemic, some superfoods that help boost your immune system can also help you lose weight, so if you want to get in shape and stay healthy, you need to try this method. Because many people believe that building a good immune system starts with eating.

  • How do you eat keto? effective weight loss

weight loss in each method There are different reduction characteristics.

keto diet Asst. Prof. (Special), Dr. Patchaya Boonchayaanan, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism Chulalongkorn Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society He said that the heart of the keto diet is weight loss. This is part of maintaining health and treating diseases such as obesity, certain types of diabetes that require patients to control their weight.

Keto comes from the word “ketogenic diet” (Ketogenic diet), which means cutting down on starchy foods and sugars. and giving weight to the consumption of “fat” and protein

Asst. Prof. (Special) Dr. Patchaya Explain the principle of keto diet weight loss that carbohydrate foods such as rice flour will be broken down into sugar for the body’s main energy. But when we cut down on carbs The body will turn to burn the stored fat instead, turning it into ketone bodies (Ketone Bodies), which is the origin of the name keto.

“The keto diet focuses on eating fat and protein foods. and reduce the proportion of eating carbohydrate foods such as starchy foods rice and sugar to only 5%, or just 20-50 grams per day, or almost no carbohydrates in meals to achieve ketosis (Ketosis) or a condition in which the body uses energy from body fat as its main source of energy

Asst. Prof. (Special) Dr. Patchaya said eating fat and protein foods contributes to the feeling of fullness for a long time And ketone bodies also help reduce appetite. cause limiting the amount of calories eaten which is an important part of reducing body weight

  • What are the good fats of the keto diet?

Asst. Prof. (Special) Dr. Patchaya saidAlthough the principle of keto diet focuses on fat consumption. But not every type of fat. by the fat that cannot be eaten Means eating fatty potatoes, fries, or bacon in large quantities. The keto diet should include healthy fats.

bydietary fat can be divided into 2 types

  • Foods with unsaturated fats or good fats It is mainly found in vegetables and fatty fish such as sea fish, salmon, avocado, olive oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, sesame oil, etc.
  • saturated fat foods That is, there are both good fats and bad fats. Most of them are found in meat. Dairy products and certain plants such as meat, lard, chicken, yogurt, butter, cheese, coconut milk, coconut oil, palm oil, etc.

Both types of fat are beneficial and necessary for the body. But eating too much saturated fat will have more negative effects. because it may find abnormal levels of fat in the blood risk of fat clots in the arteries cerebrovascular disease and heart disease, etc.

exceptChoosing the right type of fat to consume is correct and balanced. Ketos need to be careful and avoid eating fruits and vegetables that are high in starch and sugar and sugary seasonings. Otherwise, the body will not go into ketosis (Ketosis) and will not affect weight loss. It may also increase weight and fat.

  • Side effects of keto diet

Keto diet for healthy weight loss is not for everyone. Asst. Prof. (Special) Dr. Patchaya went on to say that ifHealthy people with no underlying disease not pregnant women can try keto diet But if those who have underlying diseases but are interested in keto diet It is always advisable to consult a doctor first. This is because certain medical conditions and certain medications can be dangerous if you go on a keto diet.

keto diet iseating guidelinesthat is specific reduce certain nutrients and not diverse which if not paying attention to it may occurside effectsmany things such as

  • Keto Fever (Keto Flu) : When the body goes into ketosis It may cause you to feel like a fever, malaise, headache, nausea, vomiting, or tiredness. Most of the time, these symptoms will go away on their own. If the feeling lasts longer than 2 weeks, see a doctor.
  • malnutrition : The keto diet requires a reduction in the amount of certain foods. Therefore, it may cause the body to not get enough of some important nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, etc. May cause other health problems.
  • Constipation, lack of water and minerals : The body will excrete ketone bodies through the urine. causing the body to lose more water which is at risk of dehydration and minerals And eating very low carbohydrates, the body does not get enough fiber. resulting in constipation
  • frequent thirst : is a common symptom caused by the body excreting water makes people on the keto diet feel thirsty therefore have to constantly sip water
  • brain fatigue : Brain fatigue, short memory and poor concentration but rarely found
  • acne prone skin : Eating a lot of certain fats cause skin inflammation can cause acne
  • Yo-yo effect when you stop eating keto Keto diet can cause rapid weight loss. and do not feel “ying” like other weight loss diets But when you stop eating keto and go back to your old life or on a non-keto diet. Body weight may return to the original. so called “Yo-Yo Effect”

The keto diet is a fast-acting way to lose weight, but it can have these side effects. There is no data on the health effects ofeat ketoIn the long term, so clearly when losing weight as satisfied. We should pay attention to eating a varied and balanced diet for long-term health benefits.

“Eating food from all five food groups and controlling the amount that is right for your body is definitely a weight loss effect that may be slower but will definitely have a positive effect in the long run.” Asst. Prof. (Special) Dr. Patchaya say

  • IF weight loss is suitable for people who do not like to exercise.

IF Weight Loss or Intermitent Fasting Weight Loss is a weight loss method invented by a team of doctors asLosing weight by eating at intervals (Feeding) and letting the body stop taking food for a period of time (Fasting) However, after losing weight There are three important conditions:

  • You must abstain from one meal each day.
  • Avoid eating late at night.
  • Eat normal food during the 8 hour feeding time.

However people with diabetes You should consult your doctor before starting IF.

weight loss Intermitent Fasting 6 Methods as follows

1. How to lose weight Intermitent Fasting with Lean gains

Lean gains are 8-hour diet and 16-hour fasting, also known as the 8/16 formula, ideal for beginners.

2. How to lose weight Intermitent Fasting with Lean gains

Lean gains are 8-hour diet and 16-hour fasting, also known as the 8/16 formula, ideal for beginners.

3. How to lose weight Intermittent Fasting with Eat stop Eat

Eat stop eat diet is to fast for 24 hours 1-2 times a week. As for days that do not starve, they can eat normally. But it must be eaten appropriately and sufficient to meet the needs of the body. but not this way Recommended for people who are starting to lose weight. This will increase your appetite the following day and affect your mood.

4. Intermittent Fasting 5:2 Weight Loss Method

The 5:2 diet involves eating the normal diet for 5 days and eating the fasting diet for 2 days, which can be done 2 days in a row or apart. This will not be fasting all day. Instead, it will reduce the amount of food. For example, men can eat 600 calories and women can eat 500 calories, or about 1/4. of calories received per day

5. How to lose weight with Intermittent Fasting like The Warrior Diet

The Warrior Diet weight loss is a diet during the day, drinking only water. and come to have a heavy meal for only one dinner

6. How to lose weight with Intermittent Fasting like The Warrior Diet

The Warrior Diet weight loss is a diet during the day, drinking only water. and come to have a heavy meal for only one dinner

  • Things to know before starting IF

Can you cut down on meals? Because if you can’t reduce from the start, then this method is not suitable for you. Better find another way to lose weight.

What do you do IF for? Usually, there are two purposes of doing IF: lose weight and do it for better health. If done for good health You don’t have to cut down on food a lot. Calories may be divided into one or two meals, for example, divided into 750-900 calories per meal.

Is it acceptable if the result is a gradual reduction? did not see results quickly Because the reduction in IF will be a slow reduction, gradually seeing results for those who are not overweight. By losing 1 kg, it may take a week. or a month to see results

  • how to lose weight fast Get slim without dieting

For some people, doing IF may be a way to lose weight. inappropriate because for people with congenital disease Should eat all three meals. and get enough nutrients So I would like to present a way to lose weight as well. weight loss diet behavior change weight gain Can be easily done as follows:

change eating behavior Avoid eating unhealthy or harmful foods such as oily, fried, sweets, and crunchy snacks. Alternatively, if you feel cravings, switch to whole grains or fruit instead.

At lunch, focus on protein. At lunch, opt for low-calorie, high-protein foods, such as chicken breasts, as they are low in fat and easily digestible. Which may be eaten with cucumbers, tomatoes, may be added with a boiled egg 2 eggs to get the nutrients intact In addition to losing weight, you also get good health as well.

Have a low-calorie dinner. Eating dinner is a major cause of obesity. Therefore, we have to be very careful with the food in this meal. Should choose foods that are low in calories. And should eat dinner at least 4-6 hours before going to bed.

reduce sodium Eating more sodium than necessary will make the body swell easily Therefore, when eating should reduce cooking. Or choose foods that are low in sodium is best.

reduce sugar Especially the sugar in beverages such as soft drinks, bubble tea or coffee, these are important factors that make us gain weight. And there are substances that make it easy to stick as well.

drink water every morning After waking up, immediately drink a glass of water every morning to help detox the digestive system. Helps to excrete better Helps the body absorb various vitamins fully And it also helps in the skin as well.

get enough rest due to sleep deprivation Or not getting enough rest will cause the hormones in the body to change, causing us to gain weight. You should sleep at least 8 hours a day to help control sugar levels and control fat accumulation. resulting in more effective weight loss

Every meal must have vegetables. Adding green leafy vegetables or fiber to every meal will improve our digestive system. It also helps the excretory system to work more systematically.

Reference: Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, ALLWELLHEALTHCARE

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