Limoux organizes the longest carnival in the world

by time news



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AT Limoux (Aude)for three months, the longest carnival in the world is held, And this, for 400 years. Between traditional dances and costumes, there is something for everyone.

It is reputed to be one of the longest in the world. The carnival of Limoux (Aude) enchants curious visitors every year pendant almost three months. between dances traditional and elegant costumes, it is a timeless folklore. In 2022, the enthusiasm is greater: Covid obliges, it has been two years since the revelers were deprived of festivities. This morning I cried“, recognizes one of them.

Carnival is also a day when everyone comes together. There is no age, there is no policy: on carnival day, everyone is on an equal footing”explains a reveler. This atmosphere was missing in the merchants of Limoux. “TWhatever is food trade, bar, restaurant, we have been very affected by this pandemic. For us, the carnival is a breath ofair”, says a restaurateur, who estimates that his turnover increased by 40% during the festivities. This year, the carnival will end in May.

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