Presidential, D-18: Marine Le Pen confirms her advantage to qualify for the second round

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To situate the presidential candidates, less than a month before the election, Le Parisien offers you a daily survey from Monday to Saturday – called a “rolling poll” – carried out by Ipsos-Sopra Steria, with our partner Franceinfo. Here’s what to remember from the eighth edition, this Tuesday.

Marine Le Pen confirms… Candidate Le Pen obtained 18.5% of voting intentions on Wednesday, up three points in five days. She is ahead of the candidate of France Insoumise Jean-Luc Mélenchon (12.5%), that of Reconquest! Éric Zemmour (11%) and that of the Republicans Valérie Pécresse, which falls below 10% (9.5%). The margins of error are between plus or minus 2 points and plus or minus 3 points for each of these candidates.

… but Macron big favorite. The Head of State would obtain nearly 30% of the votes in the first round and especially 59% of the votes in the second round against the candidate RN. He therefore seems very well placed for his re-election.

The electorates Le Pen, Macron and Mélenchon rather certain of their choice. 78% of respondents who say they want to vote for Marine Le Pen, 70% of those pro-Mélenchon and 80% of those leaning towards Emmanuel Macron ensure that their choice is final, against only 30% of pro-Jadot voters and 50% of those pro-Pécresse.

Towards a strong abstention? If the election took place today, around 66% of French people of voting age would turn up at the polls. This figure is not fixed, and it could climb by April 10. In 2017, 77.8% of voters voted in the first round.

Methodology: survey conducted online from March 18 to 22, 2022. About 500 people (out of a sample of 1,741 people registered on the electoral lists) were questioned every day via the Internet. The results presented show the accumulation of the interviews carried out over the last three days. This barometer tracks voting intentions and opinion on a day-to-day basis. Quota method. Source: Ipsos-Sopra Steria for Le Parisien-Aujourd’hui en France and Franceinfo.

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