Radiation iodine pills, are they really useful?

by time news

Iodine pills for radiation: the demand for this drug is growing due to the fear of a nuclear attack

Initially the war in Ukraine it might seem like a local conflict but the more the days go by, the more the imagination of one third World war it becomes more and more concrete in the minds of many citizens, even if the possibility of the conflict spreading further is practically laughable. The nuclear threat used by both Putin and the West has prompted part of the population to take measures to protect themselves from a possible attack with atomic bombs. Not only has the demand for private bunkers and shelters increased, but also that of iodine pills for radiation. Professor Arturo Chitihead of the Operational Unit of Nuclear Medicine in Humanities and teacher of Humanity Universityexplained why this prophylaxis is premature.

Iodine pills for radiation: “Salt integrated in the diet is enough to protect the thyroid”

“As specified by theHigher Institute of Health in a note, there is no need to take substances other than iodized salt, already integrated in the diet of most of the inhabitants of our country. – explains the expert – The iodized salt helps to make all the iodine necessary for its functioning available to the thyroid, reducing the possibility that the radioactive iodine produced in the event of a nuclear accident can enter the gland, damaging it “.

“In reality, – continues Chiti – in the case of the release of a large amount of radioactive substances into the environment, in addition to iodine, other radionuclides they can be assimilated directly or through food or drink. The indications to protect our health – in the highly unlikely event that there is a real need – will be given by Civil protectionand we recommend not to improvise remedies that can prove harmful. “

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