Barak Ali, so proud to wear the colors of Chad

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He left his country at the age of 12 to reach Europe via Libya and the crossing of the Mediterranean. Italy then France where he landed in Boulogne-sur-Mer. Barak Ali has a poignant story. Aged 24 today, he kept in Belgrade, Serbia, where the World Indoor Athletics Championships were held (March 18-20), the promise he made to himself a few years ago, when he started running: one day take part in a major championship with Chad’s jersey.

RFI: Barak Ali, tell us about your 3000 meter series, at the Stark Arena in Belgrade, at the World Indoor Athletics Championships. We saw you elbowing your way from the first few meters to take you to the front of the peloton.

Barak Ali: In fact, it’s a bet I took one day to show my country. When I was younger, I realized that nobody knew my country. With my French friends, they asked me “Barak, where are you from? “. And when I answered “Chad”, they said to me, “we don’t know! » I retorted to them, « but did you know Kenya, Ethiopia? “There, yes, they were talking to me about the champions Kipchoge or Gebrselassie but Chad they did not know. It went from there, I told them, you will see one day I will wear Chad’s jersey and everyone will see! So that’s why I went ahead in the 3000m so that everyone could see this jersey. For people to understand that Chad is not just about war but also sport.

But you started a little too fast in this race, didn’t you? After two laps in the lead, you had to stop and retire because of thigh pain…

You can’t say I gave up, I’m a warrior! But yes, in fact, it was the first time that I did an indoor race with banked turns, I lack a bit of technique. I was afraid of hurting myself more seriously by tearing myself when I felt the pain. It was safer to stop. But the most important thing was to be there to represent the 16 million Chadians.

Did you take full advantage of these Indoor World Championships?

Of course, because it makes you dream. The best in the world are there. To run alongside them is fantastic. I was able to warm up for example with Selemon Barega [L’Ethiopien qui a gagné la finale du 3000m, Ndlr] and Aregawi. The Ethiopians, they encouraged me. Their coach gave me his contact. It’s important because I came here alone. I am the only Chadian.

You are 24 years old. It’s only been 5 years since you started running. Before that, you lived through difficult times, a hell of a story?

I was 12 when I decided to leave Chad, my country. I found myself first in Libya. After I crossed the Mediterranean, there were 300 of us on a boat and I arrived in Italy. People were shocked because I was very young. I was welcomed by the Italians. I went to school in Italy, I speak Italian fluently. Then I wanted to go to England, but in Calais the police intercepted us. I was told “you are a minor”, ​​I was placed in a home. I was able to go to college and high school in France, to pass diplomas. Today I am based in Boulogne-sur-Mer in the North of France where I work.

To taste the high level with these Indoor Athletics World Championships, does that necessarily make you want to come back?

Of course, World Championships, Olympics, I want to come back to get the medal! Live! We Chadians are warriors, we are not afraid of anything. But for that, we need support. Reaching the top level working 35 hours a week is complicated, you know. Look at Jimmy Gressier, the French demi-fondeur, he’s a friend, like a brother to me [Jimmy Gressier est originaire et licencié à Boulogne-sur-Mer, il est triple champion d’Europe espoir de cross, Ndlr]. Him, he goes through internships, twice-daily training, etc…

To progress there are no secrets, you have to run every day, every day, twice a day?

When you’re an athlete, you have to be able to think only of that. Think only of running. Not having to wonder how you’re going to pay your rent or buy food. The state should be able to provide a fixed salary and some sponsors. We Chadian athletes need that. And then we can get results. I hope that having represented Chad here, at the World Athletics Championships, it will allow us to move in this direction. But I’m not saying that just for me. It is all Chadian sportsmen who must be helped. I only ask to meet Chadian President Mahamat Idriss Deby to talk to him about all this.

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