Death of Martin Aramburu: two suspects arrested near Ukraine and in Sarthe

by time news

The main suspect in the death on Saturday in Paris of ex-rugby player Federico Martin Aramburu was arrested last night in Hungary, AFP learned from sources close to the case. Information confirmed to the Parisian by the Paris prosecutor’s office. The 42-year-old ex-rugby player was shot dead after an altercation in a bar in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Le Mabillon.

According to our information, Loïk Le Priol, a 27-year-old former soldier and member of the far-right GUD movement, was arrested overnight from Tuesday to Wednesday in Záhony, when he wanted to go to Ukraine to take part in the war against Russia. This city of 4,000 souls has become an important crossing point for the many refugees fleeing the fighting: “He was stopped during a check before the border, specifies a source familiar with the matter. Hungary is in the Schengen area. When officials apprehended him, his name appeared on a note circulated at European level. Hungarians are very fussy about checks related to the Schengen area. And obviously police operations have increased since February 24, the date of the outbreak of the conflict. »

After his arrest, questioned by the local police, Loïk Le Priol declared that he had military training and that he wanted to fight in Ukraine. The police seized three combat knives from his car and he will have to answer for the offense of carrying prohibited weapons before the local authorities.

The knives seized from the suspect’s car in Hungary.

A second suspect arrested in the west of France

As Hungary is part of the European Union, the procedure applied is that of a European arrest warrant. Loïk Le Priol will therefore be presented to the public prosecutor’s office for the sector in Hungary, then before a judge who will ask him if he agrees to return to France. If the suspect refuses, the delays will then be longer because the Hungarian justice will have to determine the conditions for prosecution in France in accordance with European law. Tuesday evening, as soon as the news became known, the Paris prosecutor’s office was in turmoil, looking at all costs for an investigating judge capable of carrying out the procedure because the Hungarian judicial authorities require that they be sent a memorandum in their language. , briefly summarizing the charges against the fugitives to launch the extradition procedure.

Another man, Romain Bouvier, 31, also active on the far right, and suspected of having also shot the former rugby player, was arrested this Wednesday at lunchtime in a city street. from Sable-sur-Sarthe (Sarthe). He had been spotted the day before when he had paid for his hotel room in a hotel in Solesmes, a town bordering Sablé. Alerted, the men of the Nantes research and intervention brigade (Loire-Atlantique) went to the scene but the man had left the hotel. They finally found him, sitting on a bench, after withdrawing money from an ATM. The 30-year-old was placed in police custody in the premises of the Paris criminal brigade where he will have to explain himself during the next forty-eight hours.

On Tuesday, Lison, a young woman aged 24, suspected of having driven the car from which the two men allegedly shot the former Argentinian international, was indicted for “complicity in murder” and placed in pre-trial detention. . The facts took place around 6 a.m. on Saturday boulevard Saint-Germain in the 6th arrondissement of Paris, after a dispute between two groups of people at the bar Le Mabillon. The groups were separated by bouncers, one of these sources added, but the suspects “returned shortly afterwards with a vehicle and fired shots”.

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