Thursday, 09 January 2025 – 04:09 WIB
Comedian Nurul Qomar alias Abah Qomar. Photo: Instagram/abah.qomar
jpnn.comJAKARTA – Senior comedian Nurul Qomar, who is familiarly called Abah Qomar, died on Wednesday (8/1) at 17.21 WIB.
Abah Qomar breathed his last breath at the Tangerang District Hospital due to colon cancer he was suffering from.
Abah Qomar’s body will first be buried in Korelet Village, Ranca Kalapa Village, Tangerang Regency.
“Tomorrow, January 9 2025, Abah will be buried at Carang Pulang TPU, Tangerang Regency,” wrote a family representative via Abah Qomar’s account on Instagram.
According to the family’s statement, this location was the last stop before Abah was taken to his final resting place.
“According to his request during his life. I want to rest with my father and mother,” he continued.
The family also apologized for the deceased’s mistakes during his life, whether intentional or not.
They invited the public to pray for the deceased so that he would get the best place in the sight of Allah SWT.
Senior comedian Nurul Qomar, who was familiarly called Abah Qomar, died on Wednesday (8/1) at 17.21 WIB.
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