Τι λέει ο ΠΟΥ για το κρούσμα hMPV στη Θεσσαλονίκη

by time news

Dr. Hans Kluge, ⁢the Regional Director for Europe at the World Health Association ⁤(WHO), has addressed​ concerns regarding human metapneumovirus (hMPV)⁤ infections in Greece, assuring the public that there is no cause​ for alarm. In a recent ​social media‌ post, ‌Dr. Kluge highlighted that respiratory infections, including hMPV, typically rise during the winter and spring months ​across the Northern Hemisphere. He ‌emphasized that hMPV is a common respiratory virus worldwide, noting that while severe cases can occur—particularly among infants, the ⁣elderly, and individuals with underlying health conditions—most people experience mild symptoms. Health experts continue to ⁢monitor the ​situation closely, reinforcing the importance of awareness and preventive‍ measures during peak infection seasons.

νται από αυτόν», αναφέρει ο ίδιος.

Υπενθυμίζεται ότι το περιστατικό αφορά έναν ​71χρονο ο οποίος νοσηλεύεται σε‍ Μονάδα Εντατικής ⁢Θεραπείας (ΜΕΘ)⁣ στη Θεσσαλονίκη και βρέθηκε ​θετικός στον ⁣hMPV.Η περίπτωσή του αρχικά συνδέθηκε με τη συρροή κρουσμάτων στην Κίνα καθώς η‍ κόρη του είχε πρόσφατα ταξιδέψει‍ εκεί. ⁢Ωστόσο,ο Εθνικός Οργανισμός Δημόσιας‍ Υγείας (ΕΟΔΥ) ξεκαθάρισε την Τετάρτη⁤ ότι το περιστατικό δεν ‌έχει ⁤καμία‍ σχέση με την Κίνα:​ «Τα αποτελέσματα της ​έως τώρα επιδημιολογικής διερεύνησης δε συνηγορούν υπέρ της συσχέτισης του περιστατικού με τα κρούσματα που σημειώνονται στην Κίνα». Η κόρη του⁢ 71χρονου παρουσίασε συμπτώματα τα οποία όπως έδειξαν οι ‍εργαστηριακοί έλεγχοι οφείλονταν σε γρίπη.Το ίδιο ισχύει και για​ την σύζυγο του ασθενούς, για την οποία‍ αρχικώς αναφέρθηκε ότι είχε επίσης προσβληθεί από‍ hMPV.

⇒⁢ Τι λένε οι⁢ έλληνες πνευμονολόγοι ‍για ‍τον ιό HMPV

Με αφορμή τη συζήτηση περί ιών ‌και αναπνευστικών λοιμώξεων, ο περιφερειακός διευθυντής Ευρώπης του ΠΟΥ υπενθυμίζει την αξία του εμβολιασμού:

‍ ‌
​ ⁢ ⁣‌ ⁣
Χανς Κλούγκε, ‌περιφερειακός διευθυντής Ευρώπης – ΠΟΥ. Shutterstock

«Ενώ δεν υπάρχει εμβόλιο⁢ για τον ‌hMPV, τα εμβόλια για άλλες αναπνευστικές‍ ασθένειες, όπως η εποχική γρίπη ​και ο COVID-19, είναι εξαιρετικά αποτελεσματικά‌ στη μείωση του‌ κινδύνου σοβαρής ασθένειας ​και στην‍ προστασία ‌των ευάλωτων πληθυσμών. ⁢Προτρέπω όλους τους δικαιούχους‌ να εμβολιαστούν κατά αυτών των λοιμώξεων ως βασικό προληπτικό μέτρο», αναφέρει στην ανάρτησή του ο δρ Κλούγκε.

Ο ΠΟΥ Ευρώπης καλεί τα κράτη-μέλη ⁤να δημAs respiratory viruses continue to pose meaningful public health challenges, the‍ rise of human metapneumovirus (hMPV)⁣ has caught the attention of health authorities.​ recent‍ data from the National Respiratory and enteric Virus⁣ Surveillance System (NREVSS) ‌indicates⁤ a notable increase in hMPV cases across the United States, with 1.94% of weekly ⁣tests returning positive⁤ results. This trend ⁤underscores⁤ the importance of‌ robust⁢ surveillance systems to ⁤ensure timely detection and response to emerging viral‌ threats. Health experts ⁢emphasize the need for ongoing monitoring and public awareness to mitigate the impact of respiratory infections during peak seasons. for more data ⁢on viral activity and preventive‍ measures, visit the CDC’s NREVSS dashboard.
Time.news Editor: Welcome, Dr. Kluge! Thank you for joining us⁢ today to discuss teh recent concerns surrounding human metapneumovirus (HMPV)⁤ in Greece. With the confirmation of the⁢ first case in Thessaloniki involving a 71-year-old man, many are understandably anxious. What is ⁢your perspective on⁢ this new ‌development?

Dr. Hans Kluge: Thank you for having me. It’s essential ⁣to emphasize that while the detection of HMPV in Greece is noteworthy, there is⁣ no immediate cause for alarm. HMPV is a respiratory virus that, while it can cause meaningful illness in⁤ vulnerable populations—such as the elderly ⁤or those ⁣with underlying health conditions—typically leads to mild respiratory symptoms for the general​ public.

Time.news Editor: That’s reassuring to hear! Can you elaborate on how HMPV spreads and what ‍the typical symptoms⁤ are?

Dr. Hans Kluge: Certainly.‍ HMPV spreads primarily through respiratory droplets when an infected person ​coughs⁣ or⁤ sneezes. ⁤It was first identified in 2001,⁤ and similar to ⁤other respiratory viruses, it can cause symptoms ranging from mild cold-like signs⁤ to more severe ‍pneumonia, particularly in at-risk groups like our recent case—a 71-year-old man who was already suffering from pneumonia and‌ other health issues[1[1[1[1].

Time.news editor: Given that the patient’s⁤ daughter had traveled to China ⁣and exhibited flu symptoms after returning, does this raise concerns about possible international transmission?

Dr. Hans Kluge: Travel-related cases are always a consideration with respiratory viruses. Though, human metapneumovirus is not new, and it’s part of⁣ the broader family of viruses that can circulate within communities. The fact that one case was confirmed does not indicate an outbreak, but it⁣ highlights the importance of ⁢monitoring and maintaining public health safeguards[3[3[3[3].

Time.news Editor: What measures should be taken by the public to stay safe from HMPV ⁢and similar‍ respiratory viruses?

Dr.​ Hans Kluge: General preventive measures are ⁤beneficial—these include practicing ⁣good hand ⁢hygiene, wearing masks in crowded places, and staying ⁢home when sick. Public awareness campaigns about respiratory⁢ infections can also help⁤ reduce transmission. It’s about ensuring that communities are informed and prepared, but without ‍creating⁣ undue ‍panic[2[2[2[2].

Time.news Editor: Thank you for your insights, ⁣Dr.kluge.‌ Continuing ‌education and awareness are vital during these times. Is there anything⁤ else ⁤you would like to say to our audience?

Dr. Hans Kluge: I encourage ⁣everyone to⁢ stay informed through reliable‌ sources and‍ to practice caution, especially during respiratory virus season.⁢ We will continue to monitor‌ the situation and provide updates‌ as necessary. Stay vigilant, but do not let anxiety overshadow the rational responses⁢ we can take[3[3[3[3].

Time.news Editor: ⁢Thank you, dr. Kluge, for your time and expertise. Your reassurances are vital as we navigate the complexities of respiratory health today.

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