BOLZANO. At around 2am last night, the Police Operations Center received a request for urgent intervention via the emergency number “112 NUE” from a man who had appeared on the balcony of his house at night and who, on the occasion, reported having noticed that some individuals, after having climbed over the fence and entered the garden of a villa in via Castel Roncolothey were probably intent on committing criminal actions.
In fact three foreign criminals, after having forced the openings of some cars – a Porsche, a Mercedes, a BMW and a Volkswagen – they were rummaging inside them with the aim of stealing their contents.
The patrols of the “Flying” Squad of the State Police engaged in the usual general prevention and territorial control services were immediately brought together at the indicated location.
Having arrived in via Castel Roncolo in a few moments, the crews entered the garden just as the three criminals were collecting the stolen goods in a cloth, and then walking away with it and an electric bicycle, which was also stolen from inside the villa. ; surprised by the arrival of the police, the three criminals tried to escape, reacting violently to the police action.
The first of these was immediately stopped by the officers; the second, chased, fell to the ground and was immediately blocked; the third, after having managed to get away from the villa and escape to via Castel Roncolo, was chased and stopped after a few dozen meters by another police patrol which at the same time converged in the area to assist his colleagues.
At the end of the operation, after having secured the three arrested people, the police made contact with the person who had requested police intervention, the custodian of the villa which was the object of the raid.
The man, after saying that he had been woken up by the alarm system, reported that he had looked out onto the internal garden and had noticed three individuals dressed entirely in black wandering around inside the villa’s premises, illuminating themselves with electric torches. The three, after having forced the opening of the vehicles parked in the courtyard, had entered them to rummage through their contents and steal objects, money and so on.
Escorted to the Police Headquarters offices, at the end of the Judicial Police proceedings, the 3 offenders – identified as NH aged 24, MR aged 28 and MZ aged 33, all Moroccan citizens holding the status of refugees with international protection assisted by the Centers for the Cold Emergency – were declared under arrest for the crimes of aggravated theft and violence and resistance to a Public Official, as well as detained in the Security Rooms of the Police headquarters available to the Public Prosecutor’s Office.
In consideration of the seriousness of what happened and the precedents against them, in parallel with the judicial process the police commissioner of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano Paolo Sartori immediately urged the competent Territorial Commission for Refugees to order the revocation of the international protection status granted to the three arrested, in order to be able to issue an Expulsion Decree from the National Territory against them.
“Thanks to the timely request for intervention from the Police, it was possible to intervene immediately to arrest 3 repeat foreign criminals and prevent them from carrying out their criminal action – highlighted Commissioner Sartori –. This type of Security Police activity is aimed at preventing foreign subjects from taking root in our territory, often without the necessary qualifications to reside in our country, who, with their behavior and because of their precedents, as well as their ostentatious opposition to integrate into our Society and to respect our Laws, cause particular social alarm and compromise civil coexistence”.