75,000 have already been registered: everything you should know about the apartment lottery at a discount

by time news

The “Apartment at a Discount” lottery of the Ministry of Construction and Housing was launched earlier this week, and caused a great deal of public outcry. Four days from the moment the registration for the lottery opens, the number of registrants is increasing. To put the subject in order, we answered the main questions:

How many have signed up for the program’s lotteries so far?

As of yesterday (Wednesday) at 18:00, 74,806 people had registered for the program’s lotteries. On Tuesday the number was about 66,000 people, and on Monday about 52,500, so the average rate is about ten thousand new subscribers every day. Recall that it is estimated that there are a total of about 120,000 potential beneficiaries in the program.

Which cities “star” in terms of the number of registrants?

The city of Beer Yaakov, which has led the list since the first day of the lottery, also leads at the end of the fourth day of registration, with 23,950 registrants – who will compete for 512 apartments. Rishon LeZion is second, with 23,311 registered in four days, competing for 409 apartments. Third Or Yehuda – whose head has already spoken out in recent days against the way the plan is being implemented – with 21,544 registrants for 322 apartments.

It is interesting to see that in significant peripheral cities such as Beit She’an and Tiberias, the number of registrants is significantly higher than the number of apartments offered in lotteries. Although these are not the numbers that characterize the areas of demand, they are nevertheless a beautiful number: in Beit She’an, 933 people have registered so far, for 332 apartments participating in the lottery; In Tiberias, 1,666 people were registered, for 444 apartments. Of all the 31 localities participating in the lotteries, only in Dimona the number of registrants is (slightly) lower than the number of apartments offered: 717 registrants for 733 apartments.

How many apartments will be raffled off in the current “wave”?

The lotteries launched earlier this week will offer 10,028 housing units, in 150 projects. At the end of the process, 30,000 housing units will be raffled off – a consolidation of apartments from three existing routes: “price per occupant” of recent years, in which 3,000 apartments remain; Reduced price, with 13,000 units left; And more than 10,000 apartments from the “target price” program introduced last year.

In which localities did the lottery open this week?

31 localities will participate in the first lottery: Lod, Acre, Ashdod, Dimona, Ofakim, Beer Yaakov, Jerusalem, Tiberias, Rishon Lezion, Beit She’an, Or Akiva, Or Yehuda, Eilat, Bat Hefer, Ashkelon, Rechasim, Bnei Brak, Beer Sheva, Nahariya, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Tirat Carmel, Afula, Nazareth, Kiryat Shmona, Kiryat Tivon, Netivot, Sderot, Haifa, Karmiel, Turan and Ma’ale Adumim.

Which localities will offer the most housing units?

The largest number of housing units in this lottery will be in Lod, where 1,420 housing units will be raffled off. Other prominent localities: Acre, where 1,035 housing units will be offered in the lottery, Ashdod, which will offer 860 housing units, and Dimona, which will offer 733 housing units.

How is the apartment selected?

After the announcement of the winnings, a tenants’ conference will be held, face-to-face or online, where all the details about the project will be given – including the data of the apartments and general planning information. 14 days after the announcement of the developers’ conference, the developer will announce the date when the tenants will be invited to choose their apartment. Once selected it will not be possible to change it. Within ten working days, each winner will be referred to sign the sales agreement.

Can a participant who won an apartment at a “price per occupant” participate in the “Apartment at a Discount” lottery?

Anyone who has won an apartment at a price per occupant – but has not yet signed a contract – can cancel the win on the program website, and then be able to participate in the “discounted apartment” lotteries.

When will I receive the apartment key?

Ask the questions. According to past experience from price-per-tenant lotteries, when there are no delays along the way, the apartment will be accepted within four to five years. However, there are projects that are delayed even today, and for a longer period, whether due to plans whose approval has been delayed, due to a delay in obtaining a building permit, due to a delay in receiving a Form 4 (occupancy form) and more. As we have revealed here, in most of the projects in the current lottery an application for a permit has not yet been submitted, so this time may be further extended for them.

Is the developer committed to a specific schedule?

As a rule, the date of delivery of the apartments is determined according to the date specified in the sale contract – that is, according to the individual contract with the developer. It should be borne in mind that the Sale Law stipulates, inter alia, that the purchaser of an apartment is entitled to compensation for late delivery, if the delivery has been delayed by more than 60 days in relation to a commitment on the part of the developer. It is important to pay attention to this.

When does the registration end?

Registration for the current raffle will end towards the end of the month, on 29.3.2022, at 23:59.

Will there be more lotteries?

Yes. As mentioned, the “Discounted Apartment” program will offer a total of 30,000 housing units, so that there are about 20,000 housing units left to participate in the next lotteries of the program, which will be held during the current year.

Are there any apartments left from the previous lotteries?

Yes. There are currently 116 apartments left over from previous lotteries, of price per occupant, and not selected at all by those eligible – 59 of them are in Yeruham, and 42 in Dimona. These apartments are offered for purchase without a lottery, for those who are homeless and for housing improvers in the “discounted apartment” programs. The list of these apartments is updated from time to time, and is published on the program’s website. Purchase of such an apartment is made by contacting the contractor directly, whose details also appear on the plan website.

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