In 1950, before Jack Kerouac (1922-1967) was the renowned author of the Beat Generation that eclipsed the era alongside William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg, his first film “The small city, the big city“, The Town and the City. 75 years later, the Spanish publisher Anagrama will publish it again with the title, in the collection that bears the name of the French-Canadian author.
Although he distances himself from the atypical and characteristic freneticism of the beatniks, this first work of his already hinted at that “vibrant pulse of postwar America”.
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The small city, the big city was, in the words of the publishing house founded by Jorge Herralde:
“Inspired by grief over the death of his father, his childhood in Lowell, and driven by the determination to write the Great American Novelthe story follows the Martin family, especially brothers Joe and Peter, on their journey from a small Massachusetts town to the bustling New York”.
Already then, Kerouacchallenged by the intersection of the rural and the urban, managed to capture “the tension, hopes and disappointments of a youth searching for its place in a changing world.” “With lyrical and evocative prose, reminiscent of great American novelists such as Thomas Wolfe, Kerouac draws an intimate and visceral portrait of an America in full transformation”, stated the publisher.
What is the debut film about? Jack Kerouac?
Anagram and some critics describe this first novel by Jack Kerouac not only as the beginning of the literary revolution that would come with On the Road (‘On the Road’, Viking Press, 1957), but also the example of the future imprint of an author who was destined at all times to break and redefine how contemporary literature was seen and understood.
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Finally, as the editorial points out, it is about:
“An essential work to understand the origin of the Beat sensibility and the awakening of a voice that changed literature forever.”.
The small city, the big citywhich will have 624 pages and the translation by Andrés Barba, It will be published next January 15 in Spain. It is likely that, due to the distribution channels that the publisher has, it will soon reach Mexico and other Latin American countries.