On this occasion, a ceremony was organized in the presence of the governor of the province of Safi, Lahoucine Chaynane, heads of external services, local elected officials, civil society actors as well as partners of the INDH, the time to focus on the multiple efforts accomplished and projects carried out within the framework of the various programs of the INDH at the provincial level, in this case Program 4 called: “Improvement of human capital of rising generations” in its axis relating to promotion and to improving maternal and child health.
Speaking on this occasion, the governor of the province of Safi, Mr. Chaynane praised the importance of the celebration of the 19th anniversary of this Règne project which, he said, “offers us the opportunity to stop and reflect on the achievements of the Initiative and discuss pivotal issues related to human development in our country.”
He also emphasized the theme chosen for the celebration of the 19th anniversary of the INDH, considering that the first 1000 days constitute a sensitive and decisive phase for human development, especially since “the first three years , from pregnancy through the second year, are considered, in the opinion of experts, a window to rapid and decisive growth with a permanent impact on the health and well-being of rising generations in the future. .
In the same vein, the governor stressed the need to continue the work and act to address the disparities that persist between rural and urban areas, by adopting concrete measures to benefit women and children with better health protection, particularly in rural and isolated areas.
Mr. Chaynane recalled that as part of its 3rd phase, the INDH has made a real change by moving towards investment in human capital, by devoting its efforts to the first thousand days of life, and by adopting a battery of measures aimed at improving nutrition, and guaranteeing better access to health services both before and after childbirth, in addition to monitoring the health of mothers and their children.
He announced the launch soon (from May 22 to June 22) of the national awareness campaign on the first thousand days of a child’s life, in partnership with the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, with as the objective of further strengthening this awareness of the vital importance of this phase of the child’s life.
After expressing his gratitude to all the actors and speakers, as well as the partners of the Initiative for the efforts made to achieve the objectives set out by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, he said in favor of continuing the mobilization with a view to moving forward to fulfill this duty.
Subsequently, the audience was invited to follow an exhaustive presentation, presented by the Head of the Social Action Division (DAS) at the prefecture of the province of Safi, Mr. Abderrahim Hababa, focused on the major achievements accomplished by the INDH through its 3rd phase, within the framework of its various programs.
Supporting figures, Mr. Hababa indicated that the number of projects carried out within the framework of the 4 programs of the 3rd phase of the INDH for the period (2019-2023), amounts to 719 projects, including 579 carried out. and its 140 in progress, for a total amount of around 434.49 million DH, including 394.86 million DH as contribution of the INDH.
Regarding the first program “Catching up the deficit in infrastructure and basic social services”, the number of projects carried out during the period 2019-2023 amounts to 16, for a total amount of 6.72 million DH , including 6.42 million DH provided by the INDH, added Mr. Hababa.
As for the 2nd program “Support for people in precarious situations”, the number of projects for the period 2019-2023 amounts to 149, including 145 projects completed and 4 projects in progress, with an envelope total budget of 52.93 million DH, including 52.43 million DH as a contribution from the Initiative, he continued.
“Some 336 projects are registered within the framework of program 3: Improvement of income and economic inclusion of young people”, including 210 already carried out and 126 in progress, having required a total budget of 83.58 million DH, to to which the INDH contributed 51.74 million DH,” said the official.
With regard to program 4 “Improving human capital for rising generations”, the number of projects registered for the period 2019-2023 was around 218, having required the mobilization of a total budget of 291 .18 million DH, including 284.64 million DH provided by the INDH”.
Regarding the component linked to the promotion of nutrition and health of mothers and children, the number of projects carried out between 2019 and 2023 amounts to 80, for a budget of 33.89 million DH , including 32.64 million DH as a contribution from the INDH, explained Mr. Hababa, emphasizing the distribution of projects and their positive impact in terms of improving the nutrition and health of mother and child.
Subsequently, the audience was invited to follow a presentation presented by Ms. Boutayna Ahizoune from the provincial Health delegation in Safi, who focused on the efforts undertaken in this direction by officials of the Ministry of Health, the INDH and other partners in terms of improving the health and nutrition of mothers and children.
This ceremony was marked by the screening of a video capsule highlighting the national awareness campaign on the importance of the first 1000 days of a child’s life.
At the same time, testimonies were given by several actors and partners of the Initiative operating in the promotion and improvement of maternal and child health, an opportunity to highlight the important role played by the Initiative, as well as the major efforts deployed at the provincial level in this area.
At the end of this ceremony, tribute was paid to a number of executives from the Ministry of Health and stakeholders operating in the field of maternal and child health.
Subsequently, the governor and the delegation accompanying him went to the blood transfusion center at the Mohammed V provincial hospital, an opportunity to inquire about the major role played by this establishment in protecting the health of the mother and the newborn.