The salary of Apple’s Chief Executive Officer Tick Cook has been increased. According to the report, an 18 percent increase in Tim Cook’s compensation amount has been announced in the year 2024. This increase has been made at a time when the company is laying off employees. Also, its timing is special, because it has been announced a month before the annual meeting of the company. Apple’s annual meeting will be held on February 25.
How much money does Apple CEO get?
According to Apple’s statement, Tim Cook’s salary will increase to $ 74.6 million i.e. Rs 643 crore in 2024, which used to be $ 63.2 million i.e. Rs 544 crore in 2023. Meaning, Tim Cook’s salary has increased by Rs 99 crore in one year. Let us tell you that Tim Cook’s salary includes the price of the company’s shares, which are given by his company.
Tim Cook’s basic salary is 3 million
Talking about Tim Cook’s salary structure, his basic salary is 3 million dollars. Also 58.1 million stocks have been given. Apart from this, additional compensation of Rs 13.5 million is given. One reason for increase in salary is increase in shares.
Price increased due to stock price
There has been a significant increase in Tim Cook’s salary compared to last year. However, this increase is much less than his total compensation in 2022, which was about $100 million due to stock prices. Cook had decided to cut his salary in the year 2023. This was done due to loss of stakeholders and employees. The company has not made any changes to Cook’s total compensation amount or structure for the year 2025.
earning 27 million dollars
Let us tell you that in the year 2024, other executives of Apple like Retail Chief, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer and General Counsel have earned about $ 27 million. Their salaries have increased compared to last year.