Laâyoune: Celebration of the 19th anniversary of the INDH

by times news cr

This ceremony, chaired by the Wali of the Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra region, governor of the province of Laâyoune, Abdeslam Bekrate, was an opportunity to highlight the strong commitment of this royal initiative in favor of the health of the mother and child, particularly in its third phase.

Speaking on this occasion, Mr. Bekrate stressed that since its creation, the INDH has carried out a series of projects in various areas with a direct impact on human development indicators.

He also indicated that the third phase of the INDH paid particular attention to the health of mothers and children, highlighting the role of civil society associations to guarantee the success of various social projects.

After recalling that the first three years of the child’s life are a crucial phase which permanently impacts the health and well-being of rising generations, the Wali noted that the fourth program relating to the impulse of capital of rising generations has attached great importance to projects and initiatives aimed at supporting children at a young age and during the first cycles of their lives.

For his part, the head of the social action division (DAS) of the wilaya of Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra, Mohamed Abdou Rabihi, reviewed the various projects implemented as part of the 3rd phase of the INDH in the maternal and child health component at the provincial level.

In this wake, he noted that the maternity department at the Moulay Hassan Ben Mehdi regional hospital and health centers in urban areas were equipped with medical diagnostic equipment relating to reproductive health. and rural areas of the province, mobilizing an overall budgetary envelope of 621,706 Dirhams.

Likewise, he indicated that the medical monitoring of school children in precarious situations in the province of Laâyoune benefited 2,656 students who continue their studies in 52 schools, requiring a total amount of 905,993 Dirhams during the period 2019-2023.

This operation, which benefited primary school students in urban and rural areas, focused on different specialties, namely oral and dental care (1,349 beneficiaries), ophthalmology (1,066), pediatrics (134) and oto- Rhino-Laryngology (107), he said.

Furthermore, the manager reviewed the results of awareness campaigns on maternal and child health, having benefited 1,362 women and 892 children, during the period from 2021 to 2023, for a budget envelope estimated at 203,500 Dirhams.

These awareness campaigns focused in particular on family planning, early detection of breast and cervical cancer, post-natal medical monitoring and on essential childhood vaccines and reproductive health, he continued. .

During this meeting, the Laâyoune Provincial Human Development Committee approved its action plan for the year 2024, for an amount of more than 11.61 million dirhams (MDH) relating to the four fundamental programs of the third phase of the INDH.

This meeting, attended by elected officials, heads of external services and representatives of civil society, was followed by a field visit to the surgery department and the mother-child ward of the Moulay Hassan regional hospital. Ben Mehdi from Laâyoune, where delivery kits were distributed.

Subsequently, the wali and the delegation accompanying him went to the Hassan II Specialty Hospital in Laâyoune, the opportunity to take a first-hand look at the operation of medical monitoring of school children in precarious situations.

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