Limburg collaboration treatment stroke successful

by time news

It is very important to act as soon as possible at the first signs of a stroke

Maastricht UMC+ treats the 1000th stroke patient with an advanced method. This method considerably increases the chance of recovery after a serious cerebral infarction and leads to significantly less residual damage. Speed ​​of action is essential in this treatment. This speed has been maximized through good cooperation in the Limburg region, according to the European Stroke Organisation.

Stroke, stroke, CVA (Cerebro Vascular Accident) are all indications of an “accident” in the brain that disrupts the blood supply in the head. A disturbed blood supply in the brain can quickly cause brain damage. The longer the disturbance exists, the greater the damage. That is why it is very important to act as soon as possible at the first signs of a stroke.

The disruption in the blood supply in the head is in the majority of cases caused by a blockage of a blood vessel by a blood clot. This is called a cerebral infarction. Brain damage can be limited if the blood vessel is reopened quickly. This can be done by administering strong anti-clotting agents (thrombolysis) which are administered by infusion. But with large clots this often does not work. In recent years, a new treatment option has been developed in a large Dutch study, in which Limburg played an active and major role. The technique is that under X-ray a catheter is advanced through the blood vessels into the brain in order to remove the clot and clear the obstruction in place.

The operation requires a lot of skills and extensive technical facilities and a dedicated team that is ready day and night. For this reason, this treatment for Limburg is concentrated in Maastricht UMC+. Because the hospitals and ambulance services in Limburg have worked together intensively in the above-mentioned study context to act quickly, a particularly strong network has been formed. The chance of recovery for Limburger with a serious stroke has increased enormously. In March 2022, the 1000th patient in Limburg was treated with this catheter method.

Speed ​​through collaboration
The fact that this cooperation works well in the Limburg region is also recognized by the European Stroke Organization and the Limburg approach is regarded as a role model for the rest of Europe. Professor of neuro-interventional radiology Wim van Zwam emphasizes the necessary speed in the procedure and sees opportunities for profit in this: “In the hospital world, we have now coordinated everything to the maximum, but it is precisely in the period before one ends up in the hospital that profit can be made. That starts with signaling and quickly calling for help. That is the challenge for us in the near future.” Neurologist Julie Staals speaks on behalf of the Limburg network: “Every small acceleration in a part of our network can add up to a significant further improvement of the treatment. We are working on that together.” Researchers from Maastricht UMC+ are also conducting scientific research to further expand the method.

The main signs of a stroke are:

Suddenly a skewed face, a drooping corner of his mouth.
Suddenly speaking gibberish, unable to get out of words or speaking unclearly.
Sudden loss of strength or paralysis of one arm.

Look here for an animation explanation of the technique

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Name author and/or edited by: Maastricht UMC+
Photographer or photo agency: : INGImages
Source for this article: : Maastricht UMC+
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Original title: Successful Limburg collaboration on stroke treatment
Target audience: Healthcare professionals
Date: 2022-03-23

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