Escalation of NATO in Eastern Europe

by time news – The triple summit NATO, Council of Europe, G7 confirms the Atlanticist trend initiated ten years ago, consisting in strengthening its positions on the eastern flank of Europe. It is no longer a question of enlargement, but of presence. A zone of the world where, thanks to a subtle patronage policy, NATO’s scope for expansion and influence is total. At the end of the morning, NATO announced four new bases in Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. That is 100,000 soldiers under direct American command and 40,000 under NATO command on the European continent. All in a context of latent war with Russia. Joe Biden clarifies that it is to better protect us.

This deployment is preceded by the alarmist declarations of the Polish Prime Minister, Joi Mateuw Morawiecki, according to which Russia has become “a totalitarian state” and “that after Ukraine, Putin will move on to Helsinki, Warsaw, Bucharest and perhaps Berlin“. Hostilities between the eastern part of Europe, predominantly Slavic, Balkan or Baltic have reached a point of no return. A week ago, Morawiecki asked “stopping all forms of trade between the EU and Russia“.

The day before the summit, and the date is no coincidence, the Polish government had ordered the expulsion of 45 Russian diplomats, accusing them of engaging in espionage activities. An individual was also detained on the grounds of acts of intelligence with Russia. For the Russian Foreign Ministry, “it is an assumed step towards the definitive destruction of bilateral relations. The Polish allies have been committed to dismantling these relations in a systematic way for a long time. (…) We see it and we will take it into account in practice towards Poland“. In the same statement, Russia believes that “Warsaw has embarked on a dangerous escalation which is not in the direction of its interests, but in those of the guidelines of NATO. The Alliance is engaged in outright Russophobia“.

Poland is therefore five minutes away from breaking diplomatic relations with Russia. Other countries of the former Eastern bloc could follow. A threatening discourse, coupled with a courtesan tinge with regard to the Western bloc, is skilfully maintained. Failed states, “frontier economies” of Eastern Europe soon find themselves in the big leagues, because of their geostrategic interests. Romania is on the front line. President Klaus Iohannis has more of a relationship with the President of the United States than the latter could have with a head of state from southern Europe. Romania expects a lot of dividends from the new Strategic Compass instrument, set up by the Council of Europe on March 21, as part of a security plan by 2030, in coordination with NATO. We talk about it more in Bucharest than in Paris.

In the context of the expansion of the European Union, there would therefore be nations which, through their history, maintain an extremely vindictive attitude towards Russia. Nations in total osmosis with the North Atlantic security pact and therefore the partisan American interests of the moment. And then the heart of Western Europe, which has been able to maintain more serene relations with post-Soviet Russia, even a critical distance with NATO, to varying degrees. These countries of Eastern Europe, still very ethnicized, have gradually engaged in a radical Cold War, specific to a history that belongs to them, which collides with the guarantees of peace and security of Western Europe.

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