Contacts for the summit with the United States, the Emirates and Israel in Jerusalem

by time news

First publication: Advanced contacts for the establishment of a summit in Jerusalem between the foreign ministers of the United States, Israel and the United Arab Emirates – this was reported today (Thursday) in the evening news. Israeli officials have told News Here that there is coordination work for the establishment of such a triple summit, possibly as early as next week, between US Secretary of State Blinken, Israeli Foreign Minister Lapid, and US Secretary of State Abdullah Ben Zayed. If he comes to Israel, it will be Ben Zaid’s first official visit to Israel.

US Secretary of State Blinken will arrive in Israel early next week. In advance, his visit was also scheduled to include a meeting in the UAE and Saudi Arabia – but this was canceled, due to tensions between the UAE and the United States following the Houthi attacks. In fact, about a year and a half after the Abrahamic Accords, Israel serves as a sort of mediator between Abu Dhabi and Washington, and such a meeting, if it does take place at this time, would signal an attempt to calm tensions.

In addition, Blinken’s visit takes place in the shadow of contacts with the agreement with Iran, with the United States and Israel disagreeing on the agreement itself – and whether it is indeed close to signing. This is expected to be one of the key issues, along with the fighting in Ukraine, in Blinkan’s meetings with the top political-security leaders. Israeli officials declined to comment.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken will arrive in Israel on Saturday night and meet with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, Defense Minister Bnei Gantz and President Yitzhak Herzog. Blinkan will visit Israel and the Palestinian Authority as part of a visit to the region.

The US State Department said in a statement that it would “emphasize the United States’ uncompromising commitment to Israel’s security, address the Israeli-Palestinian issue and discuss regional and global challenges with its Israeli counterparts.”

“The Minister will meet with President Abbas and representatives of Palestinian civil society. At these meetings, the President will emphasize the importance of strengthening US-PA relations and promoting freedom, security and prosperity for the Palestinian people.”

Yesterday, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan spoke on the issue of nuclear talks with Iran. He told reporters that there were still unresolved issues regarding the nuclear talks, and it was unclear if they would be resolved. Sullivan says he is convinced that any nuclear deal with Iran will not create any economic opportunity for Russia.

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