In a thought-provoking exploration of masculinity, Cuban actor Malcom McCarthy presents his solo show, Black Man Solo, running from Thursday to Sunday until Febuary 2 at Periferia Cimarronas. This powerful monologue invites audiences to reflect on the complexities of being a Black man, addressing the societal expectations and toxic behaviors often associated with masculinity. McCarthy, a founding member of the Tinta Negra collective, draws on his personal experiences and cultural heritage to challenge traditional notions of manhood, emphasizing vulnerability and the potential for redemption. Don’t miss this emotional journey that delves into themes of fatherhood and loss—visit Periferia Cimarronas for show details and ticket data.
Exploring Masculinity Through Art: An Interview with Malcom McCarthy on His Solo Show,Black Man Solo Editor: Welcome, Malcom! Your solo show, Black Man Solo, is receiving a great deal of attention for its deep exploration of Black masculinity. What inspired you to create this powerful monologue?
Malcom McCarthy: Thank you for having me! The inspiration behind Black Man Solo stems from my own experiences as a Black man navigating societal expectations and norms.I wanted to create a space where we can confront the toxic behaviors frequently enough associated with masculinity, pushing the boundaries of what it means to be a man in today’s world, especially within the Black community. Editor: That’s fascinating. You’ve mentioned challenging customary notions of manhood. How do you convey vulnerability in your performance, and why is it significant?
Malcom McCarthy: Vulnerability is key to understanding and redefining masculinity. In the show, I share personal stories that highlight my own struggles and moments of loss. By doing so,I aim to encourage other men to embrace thier feelings rather than suppress them. It’s about humanizing the experience of being a man and showing that it’s okay to seek redemption and connection. Editor: Your involvement with the Tinta Negra collective adds another layer to your narrative.Can you tell us how this collective shapes your work?
Malcom McCarthy: Tinta Negra has been instrumental in my artistic journey. It emphasizes the richness of Afro-Cuban heritage and explores themes of identity and culture, which I incorporate into Black Man Solo. Working with other artists who share similar experiences has provided a supportive network that fuels our creativity and helps amplify our voices. Editor: The emotional journey you present in black Man Solo touches on fatherhood and loss. Why are these themes especially significant in conversations about Black masculinity today?
Malcom McCarthy: Fatherhood and loss are central elements of many men’s lives, yet they’re rarely discussed in the context of masculinity. For Black men, societal pressures frequently enough dictate how we should respond to loss or how we should embody fatherhood. By addressing these themes, I hope to open a dialog that honors the complexities of these experiences and encourages healing. Editor: As a performer, what do you hope audiences take away from watching your show?
Malcom McCarthy: I want audiences to leave with a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding masculinity, especially in the Black community.My hope is that they reflect on their own lives and the roles they play within their families and society. If I can inspire even one person to embrace their vulnerability or challenge toxic masculinity, I will consider the show a success. Editor: for those who wish to attend, what can you tell us about the performance schedule and ticket facts?
Malcom McCarthy: Black Man Solo runs from Thursday to Sunday until February 2 at Periferia Cimarronas. You can find all the details and purchase tickets on their website at Periferia Cimarronas. I encourage everyone to join this emotional journey and engage in the discussion about masculinity. Editor: Thank you, Malcom, for sharing your insights today. Your work is truly significant in reshaping the conversation around masculinity.
Malcom McCarthy: Thank you for having me. I appreciate the opportunity to discuss these important themes!