Taubira at the head of the popular Primary, defections and betrayals in the RN, Nadal the most successful tennis player… The news of the weekend – Liberation

by time news

Didn’t follow the weekend news? We take stock.

In the news

Popular primary: rated “much more” Christiane Taubira tops the results. The results of the popular Primary, by majority vote, were announced on Sunday. And the former Minister of Justice, Christiane Taubira, came out on top with the mention “good +”. Behind her, Yannick Jadot is in second position with the mention “pretty good +”, Jean-Luc Mélenchon third is rated “fairly well -“, Pierre Larrouturou “passable +” is fourth ahead of Anne Hidalgo, also credited with the mention ” passable +”. After the announcement, Christiane Taubira reaffirmed her call “unity and gathering” and promised to call left-wing candidates. She must convince her competitors to line up behind her. Not won. Our analysis.

Defections in favor of Zemmour: the specter of the split is once again haunting the Le Pens and the RN. Party figures handing over their cards. Former comrades settling their scores through the media. A paranoid atmosphere, and the worried hunt for the next “traitors”. It is the daily bread of the National Rally, these days, while defections follow one another in favor of the far-right rival Eric Zemmour. Evidenced by the violent exchange having opposed, Saturday in Madrid, the press secretary of Marine Le Pen, Caroline Parmentier, to the MEP Nicolas Bay, suspected of preparing his departure. “There are limits to hypocrisy and duplicity. Get out now rather than eat as long as possible at the rack,” got carried away the first, in front of journalists. Our analysis

A policeman still wanted after the discovery of the body of his companion. Coming for a simple home check, agents discovered Friday evening in Paris the body of a woman in a bathtub. His companion, a police officer from Seine-Saint-Denis, has since been sought. The autopsy carried out on Saturday confirmed the criminal trail, with death by strangulation, the Paris prosecutor’s office said on Sunday. The wanted man had been the subject in 2019 of an alternative to prosecution for domestic violence against another person, confirmed a judicial source. He “had been the subject of a summons for an awareness course on domestic violence”according to a second police source.

Sixty jihadists killed in Burkina. Sixty jihadists were killed in northern Burkina Faso during an operation led by Burkinabè forces, assisted by French units from Operation Barkhane, the French army general staff announced on Sunday. “On four occasions, between January 16 and 23, different groups of terrorists were located, identified and neutralized by Burkinabè forces and by Barkhane units”, we learned from the staff. “In total, nearly sixty terrorists were put out of action”, continued the French army.

In Italy, Mattarella is filling the presidency. At 80, Christian Democrat Sergio Mattarella, seen as a pledge of stability, has been re-elected to the honorary post for seven years, allowing Mario Draghi to remain in government. However, the President of the Italian Republic had repeatedly stated that he did not want to fill the Quirinal. But he eventually accepted the burden of the parties’ difficulties in finding a successor.

No diplomatic boycott for France in Beijing. The Secretary of State for European Affairs assured that the government will be represented in China during the Winter Olympics. The Minister of Sports, Roxana Maracineanu, will go there to “support the athletes”despite numerous calls for a boycott to denounce the human rights violations perpetrated in the country, in particular against the Uyghurs.

Nadal, Australian glory. Led two sets to nothing by Russian Daniil Medvedev in the Australian Open final, Rafael Nadal overturned the match to win (2-6, 6-7, 6-4, 6-4, 7-5 ). He thus won his 21st Grand Slam tournament and overtook Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic, both at 20 units, the Serb having been unable to participate, for lack of having been vaccinated against Covid. Our article.

Also read on Libération.fr

“Very quickly, it drifted into sex”: three young gays, former Refuge, testify. A week after Nicolas Noguier was indicted for rape and sexual assault, three former Refuges decided to speak up and tell Release what they have been through. They want to encourage other victims to testify. A dilemma “when you know how much the Refuge helps lots of young people”. Read their testimonials.

In Toulouse, runaways from psychiatric services are on the rise. Four patients with various mental disorders escaped in the space of ten days in the city of Haute-Garonne. The management of the establishments concerned oscillate between lapidary press releases and criticisms of the media coverage. Read our correspondent’s story.

At L’Ile-Bouchard, in Indre-et-Loire, well-off Catholics. In this western town where the Virgin is said to have appeared in 1947, a property developer is offering for sale a set of 17 houses intended to be inhabited by Christian families. A form of communitarianism that does not please everyone in the village. Read our report.

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