Now, in cold and challenging weather, the Jerusalem Marathon is in full swing: these are the blocked roads

by time news

This morning, Friday (25.3) was launched at 6:45 from the end of the half marathon of the 11th Jerusalem International Marathon. This year’s marathon is particularly challenging for participants in two main ways – first, the frozen and rainy weather that greeted the runners this morning, and the second – the transition to winter time tonight (Thursday to Friday – where the clock was moved one hour forward).

As for the stormy weather, the Jerusalem Municipality spoke and provided the participants of the long assignments (marathon and half marathon) with special blankets to balance body temperatures at the end of the run, as well as soup and hot drink stands along the race track. Sheds against the rain were also spread along the route.

Beyond that, as in marathon uniforms, this year the race is, along with the celebration, also a challenge for many of the city’s residents due to roadblocks and arteries across the city (full details below), with the Jerusalem Police prepared with increased forces to maintain order and direct traffic.

“Hundreds of policemen, border fighters, volunteers and ushers under the command of Jerusalem District Commander Superintendent Doron Turgeman were deployed starting in the early hours of the morning throughout the city of Jerusalem,” the police said. Visible and covert forces were also deployed to secure the participants and spectators, maintain security and public order on the marathon tracks, while reducing the disruption to the routine of life in the city as much as possible. The traffic police will monitor proper and safe traffic conduct in and around the marathon areas, and will assist the driver public in exceptional cases. “

Due to the marathon, as mentioned, many arteries and streets were closed to traffic, depending on the movement of the runners. Blocked hinges:
Sderot Ruppin, Rabin and Ben Zvi. Givat Ram Hebrew University Campus, Netanel Lorech, Haim Hazaz Blvd., Tchernichovsky, Palmach, Gaza, The President, Keren Hayesod, King George St., Jaffa St., IDF Square, The Paratroopers, Haim Bar Lev Blvd., George Adam Smith, Lehi, Martin Buber, Benjamin Mazar, Churchill, Karib, Jaffa Gate, Armenian Patriarchate, Zion Gate, Jerusalem Brigade, King David, Jabotinsky, Chopin, Dubnov, Gretz, Emek Refaim, Derech HaRechavat, Derech Bethlehem, David Remez, Derech Hebron, Janowski, Yehuda, Pierre Koenig, Elazar Hamodei, Koveshi Katamon, Yehoshua Yavin, Gan Saker.

The Jerusalem Police emphasize that “traffic disruptions are expected on the streets that touch the racetracks. The hinges will be opened in accordance with the runners’ progress and vehicles will not be allowed to move parallel to the racetracks.”

In addition, traffic disruptions are expected on the streets adjacent to the race tracks:
On the municipal road 1, vehicles will not be allowed to move on road no. 1 from the Sderot Levy Eshkol junction (French Hill junction) and south towards the Old City.
Private vehicles will not be allowed on Hebron Road from the Cinematheque to Moshe Baram Junction. From the Moshe Baram junction in the direction of Gila, vehicular traffic will be allowed as usual.
Residents of Talpiot and Armon Hanatziv will be able to travel through the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood to Asher Wiener Street in the direction of Begin Road, which is open along its entire length.

On the other hand, it should be noted that many arteries throughout the city remained open – including access roads to hospitals, all entrances to Jerusalem (Road 1, 443, Ein Kerem, Gush Etzion and Ma’ale Adumim), entrances to industrial areas, and access to the market from Agrippa Street.

Main axes left open for movement:
North – Uzi Narkis Boulevard, Road 9, Golda Meir Boulevard, Eshkol Boulevard.
Center – entrance to the city, Herzl Boulevard, Begin Blvd. South / North, Bar Ilan axis, Jeremiah.
South – Dov Yosef Road, Golomb axis, Ein Kerem axis, Givat Masua to Ora.

Traffic Arrangements for the Residents of the Mount of Olives: Mount of Olives – Via Jericho, Wadi Jouz, French Hill. For those returning, it will be possible to travel on the same route.

“During the incident, the public is asked, as far as possible, to travel in private vehicles unnecessarily in the area of ​​the running route and use public transportation,” the police say, adding: “The police information center – 110 hotline “All the time through the various media about closing and opening the traffic lanes to the public. In addition, it is recommended to use the WAZE navigation app, which will also be updated on blocked arteries.

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