French people keen on science

by time news

Good news ! The French are interested in science. Better still, they consider it useful for improving living conditions and understanding the world and ourselves. This is reflected in the survey (1) conducted by Universcience, the public establishment which brings together the Palais de la Découverte and the Cité des Sciences. Nearly nine out of ten respondents read, watch, listen to scientific information or visit “science places”.

In detail, zoos and aquariums are well ahead of visits. ” It’s no longer just about seeing animals; these places address issues of biodiversity, climate change », explains Bruno Maquart, president of Universcience, who sees it as an opportunity for a first contact with science. Among those surveyed, the sciences and life of the earth have also left a better memory of school than physics-chemistry and mathematics, a subject with which the French seem decidedly angry.

Researchers are references for the French

If they regularly consume science in a cultural approach, the link seems rather weak with researchers and those who “do” science: more than 70% of the people questioned had never attended a scientific conference. But for Bruno Maquart, this situation reflects less a lack of appetite than a lack of supply. “There is undoubtedly still a lot to invent, especially in certain territories that are less endowed with scientific offeringshe believes. More than results or discoveries, we must also emphasize methods, how science is done. Contact with researchers goes through many ways, for example videos in line. And our study shows how much they remain references for the French, in particular in the context of the health crisis. »

The mistrust that was expressed during the health crisis showed the gap between the public and researchers, and highlighted the need to explain the scientific process, which is very often slow and collective. Understanding how science is done then makes it possible to question preconceptions, ready-made ideas, and the very large amount of information from various sources. ” It is our responsibility to give keys to understanding the world, to help people exercise their critical thinking “, decides the manager.

Universcience is also launching the “Spring of Critical Thinking” this week, with various workshops and events in Paris, until April 1, 2022. For Toulouse residents, the Quai des Savoirs is also offering the exhibition “Critical Mind, Think -vous”, the opportunity to learn to question yourself. Because it’s not just others who have prejudices.

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