“By prohibiting the expression of difference, we have prevented the debate” Marc Girardot

by time news

How to know the state of the epidemic in a city, region or country and anticipate the future? This is the question posed since the start of the epidemic Marc Girardot, an entrepreneur, specializing in strategy consulting.

The Covid-19 epidemic has disrupted our societies and our lives. Very quickly, Marc Girardot became interested in this new pathology. Drawing on his experience in biotechnology, particularly in the field of cancer vaccine development, he builds simulation models; from the first field data, the model provides in return the evolution of the number of deaths, the number of cases, the rate of reproduction of the disease, at the scale of a city, a region or a a country. These models allow him to formalize his understanding of the epidemic. Achieving a sufficiently good grasp of the dynamics of the epidemic means ensuring that you can fill in the missing data and be able to develop scenarios for the future.

These simulations, he submits them to the Nobel Prize for Medicine Michael Levitt who tells him that he has come to the same conclusions. Their research focuses in particular on the infection curves of high-density regions. According to him, 83% of the population of New York City was infected with Sars-CoV-2 during the first wave, a finding that leads him to focus on asymptomatic cases.

Marc Girardot joins Panda, an international association that brings together professionals from different disciplines who develop content resulting from reflections and debates on the pandemic in order to help citizens make informed decisions.

This is an opportunity for him to work with Robert Malone, inventor of messenger RNA technology, Steve Kirsch, entrepreneur from Silicon Valley or Professor Peter McCullough, epidemiologist and professor of cardiology.

Together, they analyze the epidemiological data and produce reflections which are also based on the biological knowledge accumulated on Covid-19, in particular on immunity.

Far from the alarming simulations produced by official epidemiologists, he presents his thoughts on his modeling work to estimate the impacts of the Covid-19 epidemic, but also on the effects of the vaccine.

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